Vowels were not always written in ancient heathen Canaanite, but they were still spoken. Just like when I write the letters BSC you can automatically know to mentally insert vowels and pronounce this word as BaSiC. That’s how the Canaanites did it. In Ghabaray, however, the vowels were ALWAYS written except for “a” which can be written or unwritten. This is according to the oldest “Israelite” inscriptions that have been found. They always have vowels.
So please do us all a favor and …

Petty on purpose.
There is no such thing as a language without any vowels. All languages must have them because you need them in order to form syllables.
Keep in mind, the people telling you to pronounce the word Sidon as this ridiculous monstrosity Taza-ya-da-wa-na which embarrasses our race are the same people who gave you the bastardized names Yahawah and Ahayah. The bastardized name Yahuah was invented by a Caucasian in this century. Like Yahawah and Ahayah it did not exist prior to this century. Getting mad and emotional will not change any of these facts.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.
I’m going to keep my mouth shut because two of them mud razzes wanted to fight me on the SHABATH because I didn’t want to buy a bible from them YEEZ! so I know ain’t no way in hell these characters can speak or understand our purest language or even write it for that matter. Anyway, Mabayn GHAYT your lessons are always Tob Ma`ad, you keep sending them and I will keep stuffing my basket with the organic PARAY that YA`OH manifested to you to share with la`no SHALOM. YA`OH GHALAYON.
Chabod la YA’OH
I’m sorry, those Yahawah people are the funniest of them all! They are collectively laughable! Halalo ath YA’OH!
Ash 🔥