What is the antichrist? Some boogie man who is supposed to come on the scene in the apocalyptic future? No.
This is what the fake Christ of the Greek New Testament says in Matthew 24:14-15:

“And shall be preached this gospel of the kingdom in all the world for a witness to all nations, and then will come the end. When you therefore will see the abomination of desolation, spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads let him understand)…”
This is what the real messiah said in his native tongue, according to the Ebionite Hebrew Matthew:

“And will be preached a report, that is, that evangeli, in all the earth for a testimony about me upon all the peoples, and then will come the end. This is antichrist. And this is the abomination causing desolation, the one spoken about according to Danay’al the prophet, standing in the holy place. The one who reads, may he understand…”
These two passages are NOT the same. The Greek passage implies that the Greek gospel preaching about Christ is something good, and that the world will come to an end after this gospel has been preached everywhere. The Hebrew version, on the other hand, says the Greek gospel preaching about him is antichrist! The preposition ἀντί/anti means “opposite” or “in the place of (something)”. Antichrist means the opposite of the real Christ and in the place of him.
Somebody is lying. Let’s look at the facts. The Hebrew version I just cited is something only very few people know about, and there is a reason why only few people know. Yet the Greek gospel is known by almost everyone and it is universally accepted as the only valid narrative. But it is the Greek gospel that has caused desolation and devastation everywhere it has gone, destroying entire cultures, and converting people to the cross at the pain of death. This makes the Hebrew version a valid prediction. The Greek version alters the wording of the messiah in order to change and to hide what he actually said.
The Christ of the Greek New Testament is a lie. You cannot get the truth about the real messiah from those writings. They are twisted and manipulated accounts which suit the doctrines of the gentile Roman Catholic Church, same church that censored the Ebionite Hebrew Matthew so that you would never know about it.
The gospel of “Jesus Christ” in the Greek New Testament is antichrist because it distorts and misrepresents the true messiah and turns him into an idol of worship, turns him into the almighty god and savior who dies for the sins of the world which is blasphemy. Don’t be mad that you didn’t know. Be thankful that now you do. Thank Him whose name I proclaim at the top of my lungs from the islands in the far east where the sun rises.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.