It was the liar Paul who began calling Ya’ohshai Ban Ya’ohsap (Joseph) by the Greek name Yay-soos (Iesous) and turned him into an idol god of worship.
Yet his only true followers then and today, the abayonaym, know better than to ever worship Ya’ohshai Ban Ya’ohsap as Almighty God. They know better than to ever pray to him or sing to him. They know better than to ever pray to YA’OH in his name. YA’OH don’t share the stage with anyone. The abayonaym know Ya’ohshai Ban Ya’ohsap is just a man like them. They know he is not the idol god-man Yay-soos invented by Paul. They know he is their brother.
The 1611 Queen James Virus Bible (with its Greek New Testament) misrepresents him because it is satanic. The real messiah kept, and insisted that his men to keep, the commandments of the one and only true Savior.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.