Thorah clearly states, in no uncertain terms, that Khoh (Eve) — haythah am chal khay — “was the mother of all living” (Thorah 1 [Genesis] 3:20).
What does this mean? It means if you descend from Adam paternally, she is your mother maternally. There is no way around this. No way at all. Every descendant of Adam is also a descendant of his wife Khoh. This is the unambiguous teaching of Thorah 1.3:20 in its source language.
Adam did not became the father of Shath (Seth) at age “130.” This is an error in the Jewish manuscripts but fixed in ours. Adam was 230 when Shath was born and that means Khoh had 230 years to produce at least one child per year on average, i.e. literally hundreds of children by her 230th year of age which was not even a third of Adam’s total lifespan.
Since Khoh was created to make babies, and Adam and his wife were commanded to be fruitful and to multiply (Thorah 1.1:28), the idea that Khoh only produced THREE live births in 230 years is an utterly untenable position to maintain. That is hardly what anybody would consider being fruitful and multiplying. The idea cannot be taken seriously. The people entertaining the absurdity of only three births in 230 years simply because only three sons are named explicitly are merely looking for a way to get around Thorah 1.3:20. It cannot be done.
So the correct answer to the often asked question, where did Kayn (Cain) get his wife from? The answer is from his parents. Kayn was fearful after he killed his brother Habal (Abel) because the people who would want him dead for committing this murder would, logically, have to be people who KNEW Habal and cared about him. Why else would these people be angry and want revenge? Clearly, these would-be avengers of Habal have to be none other than the relatives of Kayn and Habal. That’s who Kayn was worried about. Relatives, not no damn aliens from outer space or pre-Adam humanoids. Enough of the supermarket tabloid and made-for-TV nonsense.
There were no pre-Adamites according to Thorah. There were no biological organisms resembling “people” of any kind prior to the creation of Adam and his wife Khoh on the Sixth Day of the world’s existence.
I do teach that the nakhash (i.e. the hisser) in the garden who could walk upright, communicate verbally, reason, and deceive Khoh was a hominid and not a literal snake. The word “nakhash” means “to hiss.” So this does not mean a literal snake must be in view. The animal that spoke with a hissing voice with Khoh in the garden was an intelligent “beast of the field.” Literal snakes are not beasts of the field. They are “creeping things” that crawl about. Although there are some highly intelligent reptiles, the snake is dumb. It will not be going into Mensa International, or MIT, or Harvard University anytime soon. This has nothing to do with the small size of its brain. It’s the nerve density which is lacking in snakes that makes it not the brightest light bulb on the tree among groups of reptiles.
Snakes are instinct based animals, no brains needed. It is instinct that makes snakes good at tracking and luring prey so they can eat once a week. Besides that, the only thing snakes want to do is be in a dark, quiet place to hide. The snake is also cowardly in the face of danger. It’s first line of defense is to run to safety and hide among rocks or vegetation. It usually only attacks and bites when it feels that it has no way of fleeing and escaping from danger. It is time to stop confusing this dumb animal with the intelligent beast of the field who spoke with Khoh.
I am defining the nakhash “hominid” as an archaic “beast of the field” — a group of erect, bipedal mammals with the capacity for language but who are now all extinct. This creature is what the heathens are calling “Homo sapiens neanderthalensis.” It was not a primate. We are simply talking about an extinct subspecies of archaic mammals who resembled humans anatomically but were not human physiologically. Two of these mammals, one male and one female, were brought on board the Ark with Nakh (Noah) to survive the flood and the species lived in the Indian subcontinent and Eurasia after the flood. It eventually went extinct because YA’OH determined that it would.
The very first bipedal nakhash mammal was told in the garden that his “seed” (male offspring) would receive a fatal blow to the head (become extinct) but that it would inflict a non-fatal bruise to the heel of Khoh’s offspring.
What this tells you is that there are no more of this creature’s male progeny around anymore. It’s Y-DNA has gone extinct. But the maternal gene of this mammal has been assimilated into the human gene pool during the course of man’s later history. Man’s later history in the post-flood period counts as its “heel.” The children of Yaktan (Joktan) are the post-flood humans who co-existed and lived alongside these mammals where their bones have been unearthed in India and Eurasia. That is the “when,” the “where,” and the “with who” did the assimilation occur. History and human genetics bears this out. On average, Europeans and Asians have inherited about 1.5% of their genomes from non-human Neanderthal females. Island Melanesians carry an additional 2% to 3% of these non-human genes.
This archaic non-human female gene now exists in many human populations, not just descendants of Yaktan, but in much smaller percentages than in European and Asian populations. Since nationality is defined biblically according to paternal descent (i.e. Y-DNA lineages) and not by the maternal DNA, this article is not saying that if you have this gene you are automatically a “devil.” You are not. Genes do not determine behavior. The choices you make are what do that.
However, let us not be naive and think that the concept of racial superiority predicated on Caucasoid racial features which originated ultimately from the Aryans of India and Eurasia is just mere coincidence. It is not. Of all the great civilizations that have risen and fallen, not one of them are documented as ever thinking of themselves as racially, genetically, and intellectually superior to all other races, until Aryan Indo-Europeans recently laid the foundations of Western Civilization which now dominates the entire world on the premise of fair and white skin color being indicative of racial superiority.

Christendom, the Fourth Kingdom since Nebuchadnezzar II’s Babylon, and the last kingdom upon earth, has the whole world believing Jesus Christ was the “seed” who crushed the serpent’s head and his death on the cross for humanity’s sins was the bruise to man’s heel. I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but that is all a lie. Argue, kick, and scream all you want but it is an indisputable historical fact there has been no bruise inflicted on mankind in the post-flood world that has come even remotely close to the bruise that is being delivered by white supremacy armed with the most destructive ideological weapons ever invented by man — the false god Jesus whitey Christ and the Greek New Testament.
There is not now nor has there ever been such a thing as a fallen archangel named “Lucifer” who became Satan and took on the form of a talking snake in the garden in order to deceive Khoh. This is just nonsensical Christendom inspired religious mumbo-jumbo. In order to come into the reality of the truth, if you are ready and if you can handle the truth, you must seek Him who is Above All.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.
Shalom< There is no wonder I have such great respect you you and your knowledge…I too have said on many occasion that our first parents had many children and used the example of Kayn marrying a sister. I am glad i was not miss-informing people. May YA"OH continue blessing you with great knowledge and wisdom!!!
Thodah la’YA’OH for the way He (Ghalayon) uses ghabado Nabay, Mabayn Ya’ohdah Ban Dor/Ghayt AKA Ravenous Bird to bring forth clarity and truth. Ya atha thamayd la’lamad ha’amath ba’tsadakah gam ha’Rokh YA’OH. Shalom wa Ahb Akh’ay.
That’s Deep ACHY. Your information is always very refreshing. In my fig tree is where I want to be so safe and free. In my fig tree where I want to be away from all misery. SHALOM MASHPAKHATAY