Like the fictional Klingon Bird of Prey starship in the Star Trek movies, multicolored raptor birds of prey do not exist in real life or in nature. They are all mostly brown, grey, sometimes white or black, but that’s about it. Bright colors would be terrible camouflage for such a bird since it would significantly reduce its ability to hunt, crush, kill and “divide” (mabayn) by ripping apart those animals it needs to eat and feed to it’s young in the nest. Bright colors would also make a bird of prey vulnerable to other animals.
In other words, to be a multicolored bird of prey would be disastrous for that bird. All the beasts of the field would attack it and devour it in order to remove that animal from being a threat. Having talons wouldn’t save it from being target practice for the other animals of the wild. This is what YA’OH Ala’aym has done to His nation. He has turned His rebellious chosen people into a vulnerable multicolored bird that always stays in the crosshairs of its enemy’s gun sights.

“The ravenous bird of multiple colors is my heritage to me: the ravenous bird round about upon it. Go you all, come together all beasts of the field, cause yourselves to come to eat” (Yaram-Ya’oh [Jeremiah] 12:9).
The nation of Ya’oh-shar-al (Israel) is by nature a warlike raptor bird, but because YA’OH has punished it and stopped defending it, its feathers are now various colors making it an endangered bird. All the nations have assaulted it and will continue to do so. It has gotten to the point where OMPP (Only Middle Passage People) emigres leaving the USA in droves say they feel cornered and powerless in the face of never-ending racism, incarceration, police killings and economic struggles and that they chose to pursue their dreams abroad, and never return.

The numbers don’t lie. A study in 2019 by the National Academy of Sciences found that OMPP men were 2.5 times more likely than white men to be killed by police in the USA. OMPP in America face a far higher risk of being arrested for petty crimes. They account for a third of the prison population but just 13% of the overall population in the USA, according to Pew Research which is a non-partisan “fact tank.” There are more OMPP in prison today than there were OMPP enslaved during slavery. In the wake of George Floyd’s murder in May of 2020, Ghana’s Tourism Minister issued the following statement to OMPP in America at a ceremony marking Floyd’s death:
“Come home, build a life in Ghana. You do not have to stay where you are not wanted forever. You have a choice, and Africa is waiting for you.”
Barbara Oteng Gyasi, Ghana’s Tourism Minister
The offer may be sincere but there is a stark irony with calling Ghana our home when our ancestors were slaves of the Ghanaians and the Ghanaians sold their slaves (not their own people) to the Europeans to be their slaves in the New World. Africa is not our home. It never was. The truth is that OMPP in America have been trying to escape American racism for generations, long before the offer from Ghana’s Tourism Minister – from segregation to organized violence such as lynchings, and police brutality and killings. Leaving the USA is also nothing new. James Baldwin, Richard Wright, and Josephine Baker relocated to Paris. Langston Hughes became part of an expatriate OMPP community in London. Nina Simone spent her last days in France and never returned to what she called the “United Snakes of America.” Yasiin Bey, an OMPP rapper-actor better known by his stage name Mos Def, relocated to South Africa because of inequality and racism in America.
In an opinion piece for Al-Jazeera, a Doha, Qatar-based news network, Amali Tower, executive director of Climate Refugees, a migration advocacy organization, wrote that if OMPP were ever to individually or collectively seek political asylum in another country they would likely qualify. There exists a trove of evidence to support claims of ‘well-founded fear’ for OMPP safety and well-being in the USA.
While many OMPP are exiting the land where they were brought by ships to be slaves others are staying put because, although outraged and frustrated by the killings of Tamir Rice, George Floyd and so many more, they choose to remain optimistic due to what they perceive to be a rising concern among whites about their plight and the prospect of improved police treatment. Others even more delusional are putting their trust in the god of their oppressor and looking for Jesus Christ to appear in the sky and save them.
This is what happens when a raptor bird of prey is turned into a peacock with the colors of an intersection traffic light. That bird has become the target of everyone. It is now the prey and at the mercy of others instead of being the bird of prey it was born to be. The so-called “Blaxit,” which was prophesied by Ya’oh-khazak-al (Ezekiel) 20:38, is by far the best thing yet that OMPP in America have tried to do for themselves, but the majority are fleeing to the wrong places and most will not find what they are looking for. This is the purge that the prophet Ya’oh-khazak-al was talking about. They may find moments of individual happiness in whatever country they move to, an improvement over life in America, but our people as a whole still suffer and they are in need of a people happiness that endures. There is a solution but it is not one that most will embrace.
As the Blaxit trend continues with no signs of stopping a small number of OMPP will collectively be caused to go to the right place. The right place is the ONLY place where a remnant of that multicolored bird will find shalom and will never be preyed upon by wild animals again. A non multicolored ravenous bird has been put there ahead of them to encircle them from above. Notice that the prophet Yaram-Ya’oh describes two different birds in 12:9, one multicolored bird and one bird that is not multicolored but flies overhead and encircles the multicolored bird.
“The ravenous bird of multiple colors is my heritage to me: the ravenous bird round about upon it …” (Yaram-Ya’oh 12:9).
Predatory birds hunt and feed on other animal species, not on other predatory birds. So the second bird in this verse from Yaram-Ya’oh which is not multicolored is evidently showing up for the benefit of the vulnerable multicolored bird. The prophet Yashai-Ya’oh saw that same non multicolored bird of prey in 46:11.
“Calling from the east a ravenous bird, from a land from far away, the man of my counsel. Yes indeed have I spoken, yes indeed will I bring it; I have purposed, yes indeed will I do it” (Yashai-Ya’oh 46:11).

The multicolored bird of prey represents a nation of people and the non multicolored bird of prey is a single man from that same nation of people. They are the same species. The ones insisting that Yashai-Ya’oh (Isaiah) 46:11 is a reference to the heathen king Cyrus the Great and that it is a prophecy already fulfilled in the sixth century BCE either don’t know or don’t want you to know that Cyrus was a hardcore pagan idol worshiper. The pagan god Marduk, may curses forever be upon his wicked name, was the lord Cyrus served, and thus Cyrus of Persia was by no means a man who executed the “counsel” (i.e. the laws, statutes, and commandments written in Thorah) of the One who is Above All.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.
Great information AKH’AY RAVENOUS, can’t do nothing out here with them flashy “GAY “colors standings out like a rainbow. With the upright righteous way we few remnants of OMPP have stealthily come to counsel with your RAVENOUS guidance of the LAWS, STATUTES, and COMMANDMENTS of THORAH we preyed will definitely not be prey on anymore. I’m DRYING them multicolored wings of mind now and sharpening my TALONS. SHALOM. Praise YA’OH
Shalom YA’OH! Looking forward to your next class on Shabath.