Prior to the coming of the messiah, 22 scrolls were recognized as authoritative scripture among our people. See Josephus, Against Apion, 1.1.8. The first five were composed by Mashah (Moses) and 13 by prophets who succeeded him. These are arranged as follows: Ya’ohshai (Joshua), Yashai-Ya’oh (Isaiah), Yaram-Ya’oh-Lamentations (Jeremiah-Lamentations), Danay’al (Daniel), and Ya’oh-khazak-al (Ezekiel) were grouped into one scroll. The historical writings of Roth (Ruth), Shapataym (Judges), Shamo’al-Kings (Samuel-Kings), Chronicles, and Ghazar’a/Nakham-Ya’oh (Ezra-Nehemiah) were grouped into one scroll. Zachar-Ya’oh (Zechariah) and Khag-Ya’oh (Hagai) were prophets at the same time so their writings are one scroll. Then we have eleven more prophetical writings by Hoshai (Hosea), Maycha (Micah), Ya’oh-nah (Jonah), Ya’oh-al (Joel), Malach-Ya’oh (Malachi), Ghamos (Amos), Khabakok (Habbakok), Nakhom (Nahum), Ghabad-Ya’oh (Obadiah), and Tsapan-Ya’oh (Zephaniah). That’s 18 scrolls total. The remaining four scrolls are songs to Alah’aym and principles for daily life: i.e. Mazmor (Psalms), Mashlay (Proverbs), Sapar Sabaybath Ma’arath (The Book of Revolutions of the Luminaries), and Ay’ob (Job).
The Book of the Revolutions of the Luminaries is otherwise known as the “Astronomical Book” found in 1 Enoch 72-82. It is a book with its own title and thus separate from the other writings attributed to Khanokh (Enoch). Unlike the other writings which are of mythical and legendary character and therefore pseudo, this book is wholly scientific and simply transmits knowledge of the workings of the 364-day calendar established since the creation of man. Although the Patriarch Khanokh from the pre-flood age is the source of the material a much later prophet would have been responsible for the composition as we have it today. All of these books were composed from the time of Mashah in the 15th century BCE to the reign of the Persian King Artaxerxes I (465-424 BCE).
After the coming of the messiah in the 1st century the abayonaym community recognized two books authored by them in their native language: i.e. Mathath-Ya’oh (Matthew) and Khazon (The Revelation). It must be stressed here that the originals in Ghabaray (Hebrew) are not to be confused with their more popular Hellenized remixes. The standard Greek book of Matthew and the Greek book of Revelation are paganized versions modified to promote the idolatry of Jesus Christ and thus agree with the doctrines of Pauline Christianity. These Hellenized versions are rejected.
Sapar YA’OH (the Book of YA’OH) we are commanded to seek out, as per the order given in Yashai-Ya’oh (Isaiah) 34:16, is the Thorah that Mashah wrote and only those supplementary books of the prophets that meet the criteria that the prophet Mashah laid down in the Thorah. A book must not contradict anything that Mashah wrote. It must not subtract from, nor add to, the laws that Mashah wrote. It must not alter but repeat and echo what Mashah wrote. It must also follow the example of Mashah by invoking the name YA’OH or quote YA’OH’s words verbatim. If a book does not meet these standards it has no place in the Sapar YA’OH next to the holy Thorah.
THORAH (law, instruction)
The five books of the prophet Mashah (Moses). This is THE most holiest of all books and the foundation and rule of our faith. Nothing is allowed to contradict, change, add to, or subtract from anything that is written in the Thorah, ever. Unlike the Jewish Torah scrolls which contain known mistakes (many of which are noted by the medieval Masorete scribes in the margins of the various Masoretic manuscripts), our manuscript has removed these mistakes. It is a restored text for Ya’oh-shar-al by Ya’oh-shar-al utilizing a comparative analysis of all of the extant textual witnesses.
The Ghabaray Thorah is completely written in the same ancient script that is attested on artifacts of genuine Ya’ohsharalay (“Israelite”) manufacture. The Phoenician-Canaanite script is often confused with the paleo “Israelite” script but they are actually different.
Words in the Ghabaray Thorah are separated not by spaces but by word-divider dots as seen on inscribed artifacts unearthed in the holy land which date to the pre-exilic period.
For the Ghabaray text, I have meticulously consulted and compared the standard Chumash of the traditional Mikraos Gedolos editions against the Dead Sea Scrolls; the Greek Septuagint (LXX); the Samaritan Pentateuch; and also excerpts of the Thorah contained in writings of the first century Hebrew historian Josephus.
The Ghabaray Thorah is a “restored” text which corrects spelling errors and other mistakes which have crept into the manuscripts of the traditional Jewish Masoretic Hebrew Text over the centuries. Modern editions of the Hebrew Bible include information about the qere (“[what is] read”) and ketiv (“[what is] written”), but the problems are not limited to qere and ketiv. For example, in the “blessing of Mashah” in Deuteronomy 33 the tribe of Shamaion (Simeon) is not mentioned at all in the traditional Jewish Masoretic Text. Theological reasons have been offered to explain this omission. However, manuscripts of the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus) show that the Jewish Masoretic Text evidently has a copyist error here. The name Shamaion was written in the latter half of Deuteronomy 33:6. This error has been reproduced in every translation of the Hebrew Bible that relies upon the Jewish Masoretic Text:
- “Let Reuben live, and not die; and let not his men be few” (1611 KJV).
- This error is finally corrected in the restored Ghabaray Thorah:
- “Live Raoban and do not die; and Shamaion, let his men be counted.”
Shamaion must be counted!
Thaiodah (testimony)
These are the books of the other prophets. The criteria for a book’s acceptance and recognition as part of this category has been detailed for us by the prophet Yashai-Ya’oh 34:16. Any book that contradicts the Thorah or deviates from it in any way is automatically excluded. Neither can books in the Thaiodah category contradict each other.
Thaiodah volume 1
Ya’oh-shai (Joshua)
Ghamos (Amos)
Hoshai (Hosea)
Ya’oh-nah (Jonah)
Nakhom (Nahum)
Maycha (Micah)
Yashai-Ya’oh (Isaiah)
Tsapan-Ya’oh (Zephaniah)
Yaram-Ya’oh (Jeremiah)
Danay-al (Daniel)
Ya’oh-khazak-al (Ezekiel)
Khabakok (Habbakok)
Ya’oh-al (Joel)
Khag-Ya’oh (Hagai)
Zachar-Ya’oh (Zechariah)
Malach-Ya’oh (Malachi)
Ghabad-Ya’oh (Obadiah)
Thaiodah volume 2
Sapar Sabaybath Ma’arath (The Book of the Revolutions of the Luminaries)
Ay-ob (Job)
Shapataym (Judges)
Roth (Ruth)
Shamo-al (Samuel)
Malachaym (Kings)
Mazmor (Psalms)
Mashlay (Proverbs)
Aychah (Lamentations)
Dabaray ha-yamaym (Chronicles)
Ghazar’a/Nakham-Ya’oh (Ezra-Nehemiah)
Mathath-Ya’oh (Matthew)
Khazon (The Revelation)
So what’s the difference?
There are hundreds of differences between Sapar YA’OH and ever other bible in print. For example, if you read Yaram-Ya’oh (Jeremiah) 27:1-3 you will notice that there is a mistake in verse 1. The name of the king should be “Tsadak-Ya’oh” (Zedekiah) and not “Ya’oh-yakaym” (Jehoiakim). The whole chapter is talking about Tsadak-Ya’oh not his predecessor. The prophet Yaram-Ya’oh is not the one who made this mistake when he wrote his book. A much later copyist made this scribal mistake by accident. When Christians made the Greek translation of this book they also noticed this mistake, but instead of fixing it they deleted verse 1 completely! Unlike the Greek version, this mistake is reproduced in almost every other version of the Bible, including the 1611 Queen James Virus (KJV). The only “Hebrew Bible” where you are going to find the correction in the pure language of the paleo Ghabaray script is in the Sapar YA’OH.
THORAH – Hardcover Laminated: $275.00 USD; Softcover Laminated: $150.00
Thaiodah A – Hardcover Laminated: $275.00 USD; Softcover Laminated: $150.00
Thaiodah B – Hardcover Laminated: $275.00 USD; Softcover Laminated: $150.00
*Delivery from the Philippines to the US is usually 3-4 weeks.
Payment By Bitcoin:
To purchase the books the preferred payment option is by bitcoin. Use the bitcoin URL or scan the QR Code below to send the payment and fill out the order form below to notify us that payment has been sent. A tracking number will be sent to the email address you provide us with.

By PayPal:
Recipent name: Kimberly So Miana
PayPal email: Conkim23@gmail.com
*Note: small typographical mistakes are inevitable with any work of this magnitude and length given that typesetting is done by hand and word processors do not provide spell check tools that support the paleo Ghabaray script. If you do come across a typo please let us know and we will make the correction and ship out another book to you completely free of charge.
I placed my order for 2 Thorah about 3 weeks ago. I understand Delivery from the Philippines to the US is usually 3-4 weeks but should I have received a tracking number or some sort up update?
Shalom Akh,
Do you include a Ghabaray Matthew and Revelation in any of the saparaym for sale?
OK. My apologies I see the other options of payment. I’ll send it via paypal. Shalom Loved Ones.
Blessings love shalum Ach, my name Lisa new to this site. However,Iam very intested aquiring aTHORAH but I am not about bitcoin my brother. PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME, there is another way I can purchase, if not you at least planning in to in the future or can I aquire it from another source??? I Puerto Rican and feeling tribal desprite to know who Ias a people ect… PLEASE I TO KNOW TRUTH. Please lmk ACHYwant to learn AB’AY YA’OHS pure language…..
Shalom. You can do paypal, if possible please send it as for family and NOT as purchase. For Western Union make sure to inform Mabayn Ghayt or your Nashay.
Shalom Halalo ath YA’OH! I’ve been studying from Tik Tok and YouTube thus far. I will be attending classes this week for the first time. I appreciate the work you all have put in for the restoration of YA’ohsharal.
Thodah YA’OH!
I finally got through to the web page LENA now the Bitcoin thing I know of it but I am not very school on the use or have any cupidity(money) like that, I know I’m very much behind the time. I will always try to either get someone to help me or just figure it out myself. I appreciate you looking out for me. All Praise YA’OH. SHALOM.
Chan, no worries akhay. I am here if you need help. Make sure you attend the classes if you are able. Just use the links on the Classes page. If you do not have Telegram you can find the download link on the classes page as well, just scroll down. Make sure you are in the MidWeek Telegram group and the Ya’ohsharal Channel. No need to figure it out yourself. It is my job to help. As for the purchase of the books, chan for now Bitcoin is the preferred method. If you are not able to purchase it is no problem. The classes are great for edification and clarification. Have a look around on the website for more info and keep checking back as I am updating and adding things as time permits.
Blessings love shalum Ach, my name Lisa new to this site. However,Iam very intested aquiring aTHORAH but I am not about bitcoin my brother. PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME, there is another way I can purchase, if not you at least planning in to in the future or can I aquire it from another source??? I Puerto Rican and feeling tribal desprite to know who Ias a people ect… PLEASE I TO KNOW TRUTH. Please lmk ACHYwant to learn AB’AY YA’OHS pure language…..
Hi, interested in purchasing a book and would like to know how do I purchase it through PayPal?
Thank you
Shalom, if you scroll up all the information is provided on this page.
By PayPal:
Recipient name: Kimberly So Miana
PayPal email: Conkim23@gmail.com
If you do not have a PayPal account there are two other options. Please make sure to note in the memo like what book(s) you are wanting. If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out.
Lena Manashah-admin
Shalom, Is there one book with all the scpitures in it. I see that each one has the chapters broken down so that mean I will need all three have the full Thorah?
Thank you
Well done! Tob ma’ad. Khazak lacha
I don’t see any other option for me to purchase my Torah. I don’t have Bitcoin so what’s my next option?