[27] Behold, the name YA’OH comes from very far away. It is the one burning in it’s anger, and heavy is the burden. It’s lips are full of rage, and it’s tongue is like a consuming flame.
[28] And it’s breath is like a river overflowing; unto the neck will it reach, to sift the peoples in the sieve of ravage, and a bridle, the one causing to err, is upon the jaws of the nations.
[29] The song: it will be to you all as the night of the kept set apart feast, and gladness of heart when the one goes by pipe to come to the mountain of YA’OH, to the rock of Ya’oh-shar-al.
[30] And YA’OH will cause to be heard the majesty of His voice, and the letting down of His arm will He show, with rage of anger, and flame of devouring fire, scattering, and storm tempest, and stone of hail.
[27] This verse 27 is talking about the return of the true and correct name of the Maker of heaven and earth. I am telling you the truth, so help me Alah’aym. I was born in exile and raised among the exiles of my people in a northern land (North America). I was stirred up in the Philippine islands of the far east by YA’OH, Alah’aym in the year 7245 (i.e. 2016) to proclaim His name to the tribes of Ya’oh-shar-al still living in the land of the pyramids in the west, the lands of our exile since the transatlantic slave trade and the ships YA’OH used to forcibly bring our forefathers there in His wrath.

I went public with the name YA’OH on 2.11.7246 (i.e. May 1, 2017) and was immediately faced with stern opposition from all quarters, as if I was teaching a blasphemous name and a new doctrine, a name no one had ever heard of before. Yet the name I proclaim is not new. It is the only vocalization of יהוה that is attested consistently for centuries prior to 70 CE. It has returned from very far away after being absent for a very long time. I met the fire I received with irrefutable facts and returned even more intense fire, and the name began to spread and to take hold in the west.
The true name does not return with hugs and kisses, and to the sound of applause and high fives on a red carpet. According to this prophecy, the name returns with rage and with anger. The name YA’OH does not literally have lips and a tongue. This is figurative language describing the character of the messenger YA’OH uses to deliver His name. He has made my lips to be full of rage and He’s made my tongue a consuming fire. YA’OH has fashioned me this way in order that His name would be promoted and publicized in exactly the way He wanted it to be re-proclaimed.
[28] Because the true name returns to the world bringing fire, rage, and fury with it, many people are easily turned off. They think something holy must be gentle, loving, soft, and respectful. They can’t believe “God” is a God of anger and hate, and that He would ever condone mocking, and the use of offensive language. This is because Christianity and Judaism, the false religions of the heathens, have taught people a lie that God is love and love is patient and kind. Yet the true Alah’aym of the Bible is a man of war, a man who verbally threatens His adversaries, and a man who kills His enemies ruthlessly. His mercy is extended only to those who love Him and who keep His commandments (Thorah 2.20:6).
The return of the name is like river in flood stage. The waters overflow the banks of the river and flood the whole area, reaching as high as the neck. This is a disaster flood and that is what the true name of the Creator is supposed to bring when it comes back into the world. Every false doctrine and every false name will be drowned by this flood. People will be sifted in a sieve to see if they are humble enough to be saved or will they be obstinate, offended, and destroyed. There will be a bridle in the jaws of people causing them to err, making them blaspheme the true name, because YA’OH has found their hearts to be unrighteous, and has determined to destroy them after He has finished using them as He sees fit. His world, His rules.
[29] However, in the midst of this sifting and flooding and flaming that the name is causing, there will be a people with a song. These are the redeemed who have embraced the true name. To the wicked the name is a curse, an object of dispersion and ridicule, something to be avoided and shunned, because of the character of the man chosen to re-proclaim it. To the redeemed remnant the name is a song. Verse 29 says it will be to them “as the night of the kept set apart feast”. This is a direct allusion to the night of Pasakh. It is the only feast of our calendar that is to be observed throughout the night: “a night to be much observed unto YA’OH it is” (Thorah 2.12:42). The joy of the Exodus out of Matsraym took place in the morning.
Why this allusion to the Pasakh and to the Exodus the following morning? Because the redeemed who embrace the name YA’OH in this time will be gathered out from the place where the slave ships brought there ancestors during slavery and they will brought to the wilderness where they will establish the kingdom of YA’OH again, and where they will rejoice and congregate on the mountain of YA’OH that He has set aside for His people, and where they will build His tabernacle. The wilderness is the place where the name they have embraced is being proclaimed from by a ravenous bird, and has been nonstop since 2.11.7246 (i.e. May 1, 2017). The official date of the Exodus in this time is 1.15.7252 (i.e. April 5, 2023). Premature arrivals are here already, way ahead of schedule, and many more are still yet to come before it is all said and done. They’ve come and they are coming not because of me, but because of the name, and because of the one who has me proclaiming it in fulfillment of the words of His prophets.
[30] Verse 30 is the part where all I can do is warn you again until hopefully it sinks in. If His name is YA’OH, and it most definitely is, then the events HE set in motion on 2.11.7246 (i.e. May 1, 2017) do not only bring about a heated controversy over a divine name, and not only an Exodus to the wilderness which is happening as we speak, they also bring about calamity and devastation to the world when that Exodus is finished. Once YA’OH has moved his chosen remnant to the wilderness He is going to begin to destroy the entire world and all of its armies with targeted catastrophic natural disasters and cosmic disturbances, all at the behest of His people who will be calling these catastrophes forth in His name from the safe confines of their mount Tsayon and their Yaroshalam in the wilderness (Ya’oh-al [Joel] 2:30-32). Deliverance will be found there among the people who call on the name YA’OH.

Four months after I went public with the name 2.11.7246 (i.e. May 1, 2017), the path of totality of a total solar eclipse swept across the United States from northwest to southeast, on 6.2.7246 (i.e. August 21, 2017). The sun’s shadow passed through St. Louis, Missouri where I was born. Two years from now the shadow of another total solar eclipse will pass over the United States from southwest to northeast on 1.20.7253 (i.e. April 8, 2024). The path of totality for the upcoming 7253 (2024) total solar eclipse will intersect the path of the 7246 (2017) total solar eclipse at Carbondale, Illinois, which is known as “Little Egypt” because of the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, where the town of Cairo is located. This wont be the first time eclipse shadow paths have formed an X pattern over the United States. It will, however, be the first time that X will mark the spot of a locality called “Egypt” on the map of the country. So this X pattern is significant since it will be different from previous ones in a very significant way.
The United States of America, the strongest nation ever to appear on earth in human history, has always been, to my people at least, another Matsraym (Egypt) since the day of its inception, and just like the Matsraym in the Old World the modern-day Matsraym in the New World has an expiration date, and that date is fast approaching. I am not saying that expiration date is going to be 1.20.7253 (i.e. April 8, 2024). In fact, I know it is not going to be that date, but it will be a sign that the date of expiration is imminent.
America delenda est.
I have been laboring and proclaiming His name publically in obedience for the past six years, from 7246 to this year 7251. The following new year on 1.1.7252 (i.e. Mar 22, 2023) will mark the seventh year, a shabath year, which is called a shamatah (release) year. This shabath year is our official Exodus year and it will be the end of the 49-year yobal (jubilee) cycle that commenced in the year 7204 (i.e. 1975). The new year starting on 1.1.7253 (i.e. Mar 20, 2024) will mark a 50th year and also the first year of a new 49-year cycle. We will turn a new page and open a new chapter, one where the people of YA’OH will increase in glory and the enemies of YA’OH will be devastated and descend into darkness. Year 7252 is the shanath ratson la-YA’OH (“the acceptable year of YA’OH”), and year 7253 is wa-yom nakam la-Alah’ayno (“and the day of vengeance of our Alah’aym”) (Yashai-Ya’oh 61:2).
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.
1.15.7252 (April 5, 2023)
I’ve been ready AKH, what’s the setup look like there, you guys got land your own properties, and rental apartments what’s the deal? SHALOM MABAYN RAVENOUS BIRD is always a pleasure to read the informative info you bring to the table of YA`OHSHARAL. CHAL CHABOD LA YA`OH.
And I thank our Creator YA OH for using u to get us back to TRUTH WA CHABOD L YA OH WA SHALOM KHAZAK LA CHA AKHAY
Shalom Mabayn,
I’m trying to save up money to purchase the 3 Books that I need to learn the truth about YA’OH Abay’no.
I have been on a journey but I was following the wrong group of people and their names for YA’OH. I have recently been told about the truth from my daughter and now I cannot stop seeking after YA’OH Alah’aym. Thank you kindly for your calling and proclaiming the true Name of YA’OH
Shalom Maybayn