It is the second most-prominent mountain in the Philippine archipelago.

It is the highest mountain in the Philippine archipelago.

[1] And I returned, and I lifted my eyes, and I looked, and behold, four chariots, ones coming from between the two mountains, and the mountains are mountains of copper.
[2] In the first chariot, brown horses; and in the second black horses.
[3] And in the third chariot, white horses; and in the fourth chariot, spotted horses: speedy ones.
Here are just eight verses from Zachar-Ya’oh 6:1-8 which, if you are Only Middle Passage People (OMPP), and you understand and fully appreciate them, they will change your life forever. Let’s discuss the first three verses.
[Verse 1] The four chariot teams seen by the prophet Zachar-Ya’oh in this vision came from between shanay ha-haraym wa-ha-haraym haray nakhashath (‘the two mountains and the mountains are mountains of copper’), and the use of the definite article “the” implies that well-known and specific mountains are in view. The heathen bible interpreters have had no idea what to make of this and speculation among them is all over the place. Fortunately, YA’OH does not want His own children to be confused and has sent them a prophet. The two mountains of copper recall the two massive pillars of copper that Shalamah cast for the entrance of the First Temple (1 Kings 7:15-22). Facing east, the first pillar on the right-hand side (south) of the temple’s doorway was named Ya’oh-chayn (‘YA’OH has established’) and the second pillar on the left-hand side (north) of the temple’s doorway was named Ba-ghaz (‘by strength’), i.e. “YA’OH has established (this house) by strength.”

[Verse 2] There is no such thing as a red colored horse. The word adamaym (from adam/adom) in verse 2 refers to various shades of brown. Some browns may have a ting of red in them, but they are still brown and not red. The biblical language has a completely different inventory of words to describe true red colors.
[Verse 3] The 1611 Queen James Virus translation renders the words baradaym amatsaym in verse 3 as “grisled and bay” for the color of the fourth team of horses. This is wrong. The word barad means spotted, or speckled (as if pelted by hail stones), and amats is its own separate clause in this verse. The adjective is being applied to all four chariot horse teams collectively. It means bold, courageous, or nimble. All four horse teams come forth from between the two mountains of copper and traverse the earth boldly and at high velocity speeds. These are war horses.

[4] And I answered, and said to the messenger, the one speaking with me: What are these my lord?
[5] And the messenger replied, and he said unto me: These are the four winds of the heaven, the ones going forth from standing themselves before the Lord of the whole earth.
[6] That which is in it the black horses are the ones going forth to the land of the north; and the white ones, they go forth to follow behind them; and the spotted ones, they go forth to the land of the south.

[Verses 4-6] The horses represent the four winds of the heaven, not literal winds but winds in the sense that they are responsible for the winds of change that happen in the world. The four winds stir up and cause events to happen not just in the world in general but to the children of Ya’oh-shar-al specifically. They are the primary targets of the four winds. The messenger states that the four horses come from standing themselves before the Lord of the whole earth. In the beginning when, YA’OH made the earth, He made the garden that He planted in the far east (Thorah 1 [Genesis] 2:8) to be the place of His terrestrial abode on earth. That was His physical address. That was also where He resided with the first man and the first woman He created in His image before they were both expelled from the garden. The tabernacle of YA’OH in the wilderness and the temple of YA’OH in the promised land were oriented to face the direction of the east sunrise because the far east is where He once walked on earth with man (Thorah 1 [Genesis] 3:8).
In other words, the two mountains of copper represent the doorway entrance to the first home of the Lord of the whole earth and this was the garden of Ghadan (Eden) He planted in the far east. Hence, all four horse teams come forth from the east. That is their point of origin. The black horses head to the land of the north, and the white horses follow after them into the land of the north. The spotted horses head to the land of the south. Logically, since three horse teams have went to the north and to the south this means that the brown horses head to the west. Although this is not stated explicitly, it must be the case here if all four horse teams start out in the east.

[7] And the speedy ones, they went forth, and they sought to go, and they marched themselves in the earth. And he said: Go, march yourselves in the earth. And they marched themselves in the earth.
[8] And he cried out to me, and he said to me, saying: Look, the ones going forth to the land of the north, they have pacified my winds in the land of the north.
[Verse 7] Speedy ones is a reference to all four winds and all four horse teams collectively. They all march out boldly and at high speeds in the earth to fulfill each of their given assignments. Notice, however, that we are not told what those assignments are, and we cannot determine what they are from the colors of the horses.
[Verse 8] The ones going forth into the land of the north who pacify the winds of YA’OH in the north, that is, they pacify the teams of black and white horses, are not the teams of black and white horses. They are the captives of Ya’oh-shar-al going forth into exile, the majority of whom are exiled in North America, having been brought to the New World by slave ships during the transatlantic slave trade. The United States of America is the modern-day Babylon in the land of the north that the prophet Zachar-Ya’oh said the captives must flee from in order to deliver themselves (Zachar-Ya’oh 2:6-7).
Therefore, whatever the teams of black and white horses were sent out to do in the land of the north the majority of the captives of Ya’oh-shar-al who are exiled in the land of the north evidently survive and pacify those winds because they flee that land in an Exodus. They escape the land of the north and they head to the wilderness in the far east. They go to place of the two mountains of copper, i.e. to the entrance of the original home of YA’OH on earth.
Since the four horses come from the far east that means the east is a safe place for the remnant of Ya’oh-shar-al to flee to and to settle in. This has always been the plan of YA’OH for His people. He is bringing them from the land of pyramids in the New World were He sent them in His wrath to be punished and He is taking them to His first house where He will renew their strength and then send them back to the land He swore to give to their fathers and to their seed as an inheritance, for ever.
I again wish to draw your attention to the fact that the messenger from heaven did not tell the prophet Zachar-Ya’oh what each horse team is sent out to accomplish in the earth. This omission is one of the reasons that the Book of Khazon (aka Revelation) must not be discarded, even though this book requires editing and textual restoration in order to surgically remove the blasphemous Christian interpolations from it. It is the only prophetical book that explains what the events are that each of the four horse teams cause to happen in the world. It is also the only prophetical book that tells when the four horse teams began their speedy war marches. This book does not belong in the satanic Greek New Testament. It was not even accepted into the Christian biblical canon until centuries after it appeared. Distrust in the book by heathen Christians persisted all the way down into the 16th century CE. The Protestant reformer Martin Luther called the book “neither apostolic nor prophetic” in the 1522 preface to his translation of the Greek New Testament. He was wrong but he was also right that the book is not a Christian book. It is an abayon (Ebionite) book.
The adamaym (browns) horses cause a sword to pursue the children of Ya’oh-shar-al everywhere they go. The great sword of Khazon (Revelation) 6:4 is the curses and the unrest that chase them and always cling to their seed after being driven out of the promised land in the Roman period. The adamaym horses also make Ya’oh-shar-al kill each other, which is another one of the curses they must suffer in the lands of their enemies (Thorah 3 [Leviticus] 26:36-38). These horses make their way to the west in hot pursuit of the children of Ya’oh-shar-al because YA’OH shipped them to the land of pyramids in the west during the transatlantic slave trade.
The shakharaym (blacks) horses cause a famine to the children of Ya’oh-shar-al. Famine is indeed the theme of Khazon (Revelation) 6:5-6, but the famine is a famine from hearing the words of YA’OH (Ghamos [Amos] 8:11-12). These horses march to North America in hot pursuit of the children of Ya’oh-shar-al in the land of the north because of the children of Ya’oh-shar-al who were shipped by YA’OH to the west during the transatlantic slave trade the largest population ended up being the one in North America.
The labanaym (whites) horses cause a false religion to spread victoriously around the world without suffering defeat. The white horse of Khazon (Revelation) 6:2 with its rider wearing a crown and holding a bow but not having any arrows represents the satanic religion of Christianity which has subdued virtually the entire world. No ideology or religious belief system has been anywhere near as triumphant as Christianity has been in the world. It was spread by Paul’s missionary work to Europe, and from Europe it spread to the Americas in the New World. It also spread victoriously to Africa and to Asia, but Europe and North America, both lands of the north, are the bastion and bulwark of Christendom. These horses followed the shakharaym (black) horses into North America in hot pursuit of the children of Ya’oh-shar-al in order to cause the bulk of them living in exile in North America to become Christians, Christians who would suffer starvation in a famine of not hearing from YA’OH until a voice cries out to them from the wilderness in the east.
The baradaym (spotted) horses cause calamity throughout Chosh (Africa), the land of the south, which is one quarter of earth’s inhabitable landmass according to Khazon (Revelation) 6:7-8. These horses marched throughout Chosh in hot pursuit of the children of Ya’oh-shar-al because the seed of the children of Ya’oh-shar-al who left the promised land and came into Chosh at various times, the last forced migration happening in the Roman period, needed to be driven and herded to the western coast of Africa in order that they would be shipped off beyond the rivers of Chosh to the land of pyramids in the New World during the transatlantic slave trade. The people had to fulfill the book and drink from the cup YA’OH poured for them.
YA’OH was telling us how our history would play out and what would happen to us centuries before those events happened so that when they happened we would know that it was Him, and we would know that there is no Higher Power except for Him. There is none else beside Him.
Shalamah cast the two pillars of copper and flanked them at the doorway entrance of the First Temple because in his great wisdom he knew something about the geography of the land of the east where the garden of Ghadan (Eden) was once located and where YA’OH once walked. He knew that it had become an archipelago and that the largest island is located in the north and that the second largest island is located in the south. The two islands, now called Luzon and Mindanao, respectively, are the two pillars of the archipelago. The highest mountain in the Philippines, Mount Apo, is located in Mindanao, and the second most-prominent mountain in the Philippines, Mount Pulag, is located in Luzon. The vast majority of the archipelago’s 7,000 islands are situated in between these two pillars in what is now called the central Visayan region. The holy name that a ravenous bird proclaims is being proclaimed by him from this region in the island of Cebu. The name is being proclaimed from where it was first revealed to man and uttered by him in the beginning.

Ya’oh-shar-al has reached the end of their punishments and of their curses. The voice of the one crying out in the wilderness is here now. The remnant of Ya’oh-shar-al who have been forged into His witnesses during these many centuries of curses have pacified the two horse teams marching rampantly and unopposed in the land of the north and now they are fleeing that land in a quiet and non-televised Exodus of one by one (Yashai-Ya’oh 27:12-13) and one from a city and two from a family (Yaram-Ya’oh 3:14, 18; 23:7-8) as we speak. Their Rock is gathering them and bringing them to the place of His old home in the far east where they will have a land of their own for a time, times, and a half. Their Rock has a name.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.
1.15.7252 (April 5, 2023)
So wonderful lost of words
Truly a majestic mesmerizing reality that Ya’Oh’s words are burning forever to be true! Chabod la’Yaoh! Thodah la’Yaoh for Ravenous Bird! Your true remnants will inhabit your paradise to flourish until they claim your promise. This is one of the best true stories I have ever read!
Chal Chabod la Ya’Oh!!!