[1] Ho’ay to the land of whirring wings which is from beyond the rivers of Chosh.
[2] The man who ships by sea ambassadors, even in vessels of papyrus upon the face of the waters. Go you swift messengers to a people drawn out and caused to be driven recklessly, to a nation terrorized since it is and yonder, a people line of line and down trodden; which the rivers have spoiled its land.
Every single commentary of the 18th chapter of the book of the prophet Yashai-Ya’oh (Isaiah) made by heathens I have ever read, whether they be Christians or Jews, assumes this chapter is referring to Ethiopian envoys visiting the kingdom of Ya’ohdah (Judah) in the 8th century BCE during the reign of King Khazak-Ya’oh (Hezekiah), and every single one of them is wrong. I’m sorry but even the most educated of heathens have no business trying to expound the books of our prophets.
[Verse 1] Ho’ay/הוי (woe!), the first word in verse 1, is a denouncement and a threat of judgment. It is not a salutation: “Hey there, how are you?” No, I’m afraid not. It is a heads up from the prophet that wrath and destruction are coming. They are headed for the arats tsal-tsal chanapaym (land of whirring wings), which is a reference to the buzzing sound that a swarm of locusts make (Thorah 5 [Deuteronomy] 28:42). The prophet states that this land is located ma-gharab la-nahraym Chosh (from beyond the rivers of Chosh). This means beyond the African continent and all of its rivers and not in the African continent and among all of its rivers. The prophet is not talking about Ethiopia, nor any other region or locality within Africa. He is talking about a land beyond Africa where locusts with whirring wings have settled, and by locusts I mean the people that the prophets have compared to locusts (i.e. the 5th Trumpet: 1240-1533 CE).

[4] Left of the GAZAM was eaten by the ARABAH, and left of the ARABAH was eaten by the YALAK, and left of the YALAK was eaten by the KHASAYL.
What the prophet Ya’oh-al saw in his vision is the same thing that the prophet Yashai-Ya’oh is talking about in chapter 18 and verse 1 of his book. The land of whirring wings is the land of pyramids in the Americas of the New World which has been overrun and conquered by swarms of locusts who are none other than the invaders and settlers who came from Europe.
The GAZAM locusts are West Iberian speakers (the Spanish and the Portuguese); the ARABAH locusts are the West Germanic speakers (the English and the Dutch); the YALAK locusts are the Gallo-Romance speakers (the French); and the KHASAYL locusts are the South Scandinavian speakers (the Danish). These are the four groups of Europeans responsible for colonizing the New World and for bringing our ancestors to those shores by slave ships in wave after wave 500 years ago.
Speaking of ships…
[Verse 2] The man who ships by sea ambassadors, even in vessels of papyrus upon the face of the waters. The first word in this verse, ha-shalakh/השלח (the one who sends/ships), is an active participle in the masculine singular prefixed by the definite article. In order to make this clear in a filthy heathen English translation, I have rendered it: “the man who ships”. The prophet is now referring to the locusts with whirring wings collectively, as if they are one man, and that one man is occupied with maritime trade. He is heavy into the shipping business. What is he shipping by sea ambassadors that warrants the denouncement against him that was made at the beginning of verse 1? Slaves – and not just any slaves. As we are about to see below, the man is being denounced for shipping a specific type of slave. I hope you the reader are able to see this and that you can appreciate the powerful foresight that was given to our prophets.
even in vessels of papyrus upon the face of the waters. The first ships in recorded history after the great flood were built in Matsraym in the Old World with papyrus reed. These were propelled by rowers using oars. As time passed, canvas sails made from papyrus reeds appeared and wood replaced papyrus reeds for the construction of the hull of the ship.

Now although the people of ancient Matsraym in the Old World were the first to make boats of papyrus reeds, these vessels could not possibly have been employed in the very difficult navigation of the high seas. They were built for navigating the Nile River and its tributaries; and yet the word yam/ים (sea) is the word that the prophet used in this verse!
In other words, the prophet, who we must assume availed himself of every opportunity to become acquainted with the fact that papyrus reed boats cannot navigate the high seas, wrote chalay gam’a (vessels of papyrus reeds) in order to put the picture of Matsraym, the land of pyramids, into our minds. However, he knew and he wanted us to know that there is to be another land of pyramids having ships that can sail the high seas, ships that will transport human cargo, ships that will be owned and operated by “locusts” with whirring wings, i.e. the ships of the people who colonized the New World. All of the prophets beginning with Mashah (Moses) knew that the fate of their nation was to suffer the collective curse of being brought by ships to the land of pyramids in the New World.
Go you swift messengers to a people drawn out and caused to be driven recklessly. The prophet gives another clue that he was not talking about literal vessels of papyrus reeds. Those vessels were propelled by oars and were anything but swift. The prophet had in mind cargo ships able to cut through the open waters of an ocean or sea at top speeds. And just where are these mal’achaym kalaym (swift messengers) going so fast and in such a hurry? They are going to collect an oppressed and afflicted people, and these people are none other than the children of Ya’oh-shar-al (the so-called Israelites). They have been mamashakh/ממשך (drawn out) and morat/מורט (caused to be driven recklessly) to a place in Chosh (in Africa) where the speedy ships manned by locusts came and took them beyond the rivers of Chosh to a land of pyramids in the New World.
The word translated “scattered” in this verse according to the 1611 Queen James Virus means “drawn out”. It has nothing to do with the physique of the Ethiopians, whose stature is said to have been remarkable by the Greek historian Herodotus, the father of lies (Bk. 3.20, 114). The other epithet translated “peeled” in this verse according to the 1611 Queen James Virus is a passive participle that means “to be driven recklessly, violently”. The word has nothing to do with the glossy skin and the lack of facial hair that Ethiopians (Nubians) were known for in ancient times! When you are fluent in the source language as I am, and you are OMPP as I am, you want to burn all of these heathen bible translations yesterday.
to a nation terrorized (passive stem!) since it is and yonder. It is not a nation that has caused terror, but rather one that has been the victim of it since its inception and became a victim of it again after the locusts came for them in their speedy sea ships. When our nation was born in the land of pyramids in the Old World we were a threat to no one. We were at the mercy of the host nation that terrorized us. The same thing happened to us again, much yonder in time, in the land of pyramids in the New World. The expression man ho’ wa-hala’ah is a juxtaposition: “since it is” (i.e. from the beginning of its victimization in the first Matsraym) “and yonder” (i.e. at the end of its victimization in the second Matsraym). We were not always the victims of terror, but we were at the birth of our nation, and also again in these last days at the rebirth of our nation. The history has been repeated.
a people line of line and down trodden; which the rivers have spoiled its land. We are a people of line upon line. The prophet Yashai-Ya’oh will use an expression similar to ko ko/קו־קו (line of line) in chapter 28 and verses 7-13.
A quick review of Yashai-Ya’oh 28:7-13 is as follows. Our priests and prophets have erred because of their addiction to intoxication (28:7). They cannot teach anyone. Only babes weaned by milk (28:9) speak their gibberish tongue, the same gibberish that is heard whenever these priests and prophets attempt to speak, in their inebriated state, to the people and try to convince them where they may find rest (28:11), but la abo’ shamo’ai/לא אבוא שמוע (not will I go to listen), says the prophet Yashai-Ya’oh (28:12). Thus, the word of YA’OH to them is precept upon precept and line upon line for their doom and for their destruction (28:13). Because they refused to keep the precepts of Thorah, ko la-ko/קו לקו (line upon line), they will be punished and be forced to learn and to keep the precepts of the heathens, in their heathen language, line upon line, so that they may fall backwards and be destroyed. It has made us a down trodden people, unable to produce any successful leaders who have actually delivered the liberation they preached about, and all the time that this curse has been playing itself out while we are captives in a strange land, heathen strangers occupy our promised land and overrun it like rivers.
Now back to Yashai-Ya’oh chapter 18.

[3] All inhabitants of the world, and dwellers of earth, when the sail of the mountains is lifted up you will see; and when the shopar is sounded you will hear.
[4] For thus says YA’OH unto me: That I may be silent, and that I may intently observe in my dwelling like heat glowing upon light, like a cloud of moisture in the heat of a summer harvest.
[5] For, before the summer harvest, when the bud is complete and the sour grape is ripening, it will blossom and He will cut off the sprigs by pruning hooks, and the tendrils of the vine that He removed are cut away.
[Verse 3] This chapter began by talking about swift human cargo ships on the high seas and the locusts with whirring wings who sail them. Therefore, lifting up the nas haraym (sail of the mountains), a noun-noun construct phrase, and not “an ensign on the mountains” as per the 1611 Queen James Virus, means hoisting up the ship sail that belongs to the mountains, i.e. to the European colonial powers who were manipulated by YA’OH in order to get the transatlantic slave trade up and running in the 16th century CE. Verse 4 is stating implicitly that the entire world, all of its people, will see and hear about the triangular trade across the Atlantic Ocean once it gets underway, and that is exactly what happened. The whole world witnessed it, but they did not know the real reasons behind it. They did not know who was really pulling the strings or why.
[Verse 4] The commencement of the transatlantic slave trade in the 16th century was by all accounts a major turning point, even if you do not believe that the prophets predicted the largest forced migration in human history and that it would involve fast cargo ships sailing the high seas. The Supreme Deity who claims responsibility for orchestrating the transatlantic slave trade is saying in this verse that He did so in order that He may keep silent and observe it from on high. As YA’OH remains still and watches the events He set in motion unfold, He knows what the end result will be, just as a farmer knows that increasing heat caused by the light of sunshine and dew clouds are what hasten a summer harvest.
In other words, the transatlantic slave trade was designed by YA’OH to produce a crop (of people) that He intends to harvest (in an Exodus), and He has been waiting and observing silently and patiently for the time of that harvest to arrive. His quietness, however, must not be mistaken for neglect. On the contrary, what this is is a well-considered and well-thought out plan that has been put into action. OMPP, you are not history’s accident. You and your history were crafted by design, and the designer is YA’OH, your Rock, the Higher Power of Ya’oh-shar-al, the maker of heaven and earth.
[Verse 5] He will harvest His grapes but the tendrils of the grapevine will be removed and cut away. The sad truth is that not all of our people will be part of the Exodus, only a remnant will be saved and brought to the second wilderness. As for the others who are left behind to stay with the heathens in the land of their captivity…

[6] They will be abandoned together to the ravenous bird of the mountains and to the beast of the earth, and the ravenous bird will summer upon it and all the beast of the earth will winter upon it.
[7] In that time a gift will be brought to YA’OH tsaba’oth of a nation drawn out and caused to be driven recklessly, and from a nation terrorized since it is and yonder, a people line of line and down trodden; which the rivers have spoiled its land, to the place of the name YA’OH tsaba’oth, Mount Tsayon.
[Verse 6] This 18th chapter began with a threat being lobbed at the land of whirring wings which is from beyond the rivers of Chosh. Verse 6 tells us who will be carrying out that threat and how it will be carried out. The land of whirring wings is the Americas, the land of pyramids in the New World, and the United States of America is without question the strongest empire ever to exist in human history. The Americas were colonized by Europeans and the prophets liken them unto locusts. Those of our people who are not part of the Exodus, and who will be abandoned and left behind with the locusts, are going to suffer the same fate as the locusts.

The ghayt/עיט (ravenous bird) mentioned in this verse is the man who executes the counsel of YA’OH from a distant land in the east (Yashai-Ya’oh 46:11), and the beasts of the earth are the tribes of Ya’oh-shar-al who follow him to that land in the east in an Exodus. He is the man who YA’OH has raised up to be the leader of the Exodus and once that Exodus is finished, and the remnant has been gathered to the second wilderness, he and his people will call down pala’oth (wonders) upon the land of whirring wings during the time, times, and a half that they will spend in the wilderness (Danay’al 12:7).
Birds of prey do not hunt and kill only during summer weather. Neither do the beasts of the earth hunt and kill only during winter weather. Summer and winter are mentioned in verse 6 not because the destruction will last one full year, but rather because the destruction that the ravenous bird and his followers summon forth from YA’OH will be the manifestation of catastrophic meteorological and cosmic phenomena. Weather will be their weapon, and no army on earth is able to contend against cataclysmic and apocalyptic weather.

[Verse 7] A shay/שי (gift, present) cannot be brought unto YA’OH unless He has a physical tabernacle which is the only place where He accepts gifts and offerings (Mazmor 68:29). This is not something you do in your mind. It is not a mental exercise. The tabernacle of YA’OH must be built in order for a gift to be brought unto Him and for it be accepted by Him. What verse 7 is stating is that the down trodden and afflicted people of Ya’oh-shar-al, when a remnant of them leaves the land of pyramids in the New World in their Exodus to the second wilderness, they will erect the tabernacle of YA’OH there and present Him with gifts in that place. It is the place where His name is being re-introduced by a ravenous bird. We were brought by ships to a land beyond the rivers of Chosh and a remnant will exit that land of whirring wings beyond the rivers of Chosh and bring an offering to YA’OH at His tabernacle in the second wilderness (Tsapan-Ya’oh [Zephaniah] 3:10).
The place of the name YA’OH is the Mount Tsayon upon which the redeemed remnant of Ya’oh-shar-al will reside in the second wilderness. The only place where His tabernacle can be built and the only place where His holy feast days can be kept is the place where He causes His name to dwell (Thorah 5.16:2), and today that place, because His is name is YA’OH, is only the archipelago of the Philippine islands in the east where the sun rises (Yashai-Ya’oh 24:15-16; 41:1, 25).
The Exodus is happening as we speak just as, just when, and just where I said it would happen in the name of YA’OH in the year 7246 (i.e. 2017) which is the year He caused me to begin proclaiming His name from the island of Cebu. The destruction to begin occurring after the Exodus will also happen, as will the construction of the tabernacle in the wilderness, or His name is not YA’OH and He has not spoken by me. How can I be so sure? He has crushed and silenced each and every one of my detractors over the past six years because this is not about me. This is about His plan to glorify His name and He never loses.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.
1.15.7252 (April 5, 2023)
MABAYN I’m having troubles with getting in beginners class , everything is set up , so do I wait on your invite ?cause lately I just been sitting there , I guess I b getting on at wrong times , that’s y keep telling myself wait till u in MADBAR in front of the Ravenous bird to learn ,am I wrong for thinking like that? On the real, just scared and ready to go , every day YA OH on my mind MADBAR on my mind, if I knew about AMATH 2 years ago, I would of been down there my son and I , but a u live to learn
Shalom akh, the class times are posted on the website under the CLASSES tab. There are times that class does not start on time or times where other things may be going on and class is postponed until another day and or time. The best way to know for sure when class is starting is by checking the Ya’ohsharal Channel in telegram. If you are not a member you can find all the downloads and links on the CLASSES page by scrolling to the bottom. Please feel free to reach out if you are having any other issues.
Lena Manashah-admin
Halalo Ath YA’OH !!!!
HALALO YA OH WA AMAN, I pray me and my son make it , I pray whoever else over here in the land of pyramids, who is goin threw it like me to flee, that they will make it also, if I had wings I will fly there today , hate it over , when I see y’all over there in MADBAR, it makes me feel so happy I swear