I am pleased to announce that we have secured a great location for our school and we are excited to get started, but the owners of the building are not giving it to us rent free, obviously. The monthly rent, not including utilities, is 100K php which is about $2,000 USD. This is for a giant six floor 450 square meters per floor of a modern tower. It’s large enough to hold our growing community and all of our classes for the adults and the children, and other events throughout the day and the week.
That being said, I am asking for all of us to pitch in and help pay the rent and expenses each month. With a minimum of 100 people helping, that’s only $20 USD a month for each person. It’s nothing. The monthly utilities also have to be factored in so give generously please so that we never have a problem covering expenses each month and so the doors of our school remain open for all of our people to come and learn and fellowship with each other in the holy and glorious name of YA’OH.
I am mindful of the prophecies with everything we do. We are not called Magdal Ghadar (“tower of the flock”) for no reason, or just because its a cool sounding name. We are literally starting our school in a tower!
So let’s get to work, let’s roll up our sleeves, and let’s build the kingdom from the ground up.
Donating for the school’s monthly expenses is simple and easy:
By PayPal:
Recipent name: Kimberly So Miana
PayPal email: Conkim23@gmail.com
*Note: for smoother processing in PayPal, send as for “friends and families”. DO NOT send as a “purchase”.
By Bitcoin:
This is the preferred option and you will pay less in fees. Use the QR Code below, or the URL below the QR Code by pasting the URL into your crypto currency wallet for transfer.

No matter which method you chose to donate, make sure you notify Magdal Ghadar at yaohdah@gmail.com or Con at Conkim23@gmail.com about the amount when you donate for the school’s monthly expenses so that your offering is not confused with the offerings for the land purchase.
Shalom Mabayn, This is amazing. I love how Ya’oh continues to shower with Blessings. I cannot wait to be free from baylon and there fellowshipping, learning, and growing with the Mashpakhath’ay.
Halalo’ath Ya’oh.
Shalom Mabane, get some safety railing for that roof deck!! Khazak la cha!
Shalom mabayn…will some vocational training be part of the curriculum??..I have a grandson graduating this year ..he lives with me..I’d rather he get a trade than join the military..Shalom
Akhathay nah zachar anackno just getting started. As the current (appointed) minister/director of education, I can assure you that our children will have the best education and educators in all disciplines, in every field.
As we begin the organizational structure of our school, students will learn the pure language and all other languages they have respectively inherited, will be secondary to Ghabaray.
Your son, and all the sons of Ya’ohsharal, will learn a trade/vocation of their choice, in time. YA’OH will provide us with all those men and women who have the natural and professional skills and talents to restore all that was, is, and will be established; according to His “Divine Will” and “Leadership”.
Our school will be a school of excellence (period). One step at a time. Please trust in YA’OH for this, and all things. (See Yaram-Ya’oh AKA Jeremiah 29:11)
Shalom mabayn…will some vocational training be part of the curriculum??..
Reading these comments brought me to tears as usual, lol
Shalom la-cham wa-chal chabod la-YA’OH for establishing a prophet for the nation in this time period and bestowing on this OMPP generation such a blissful outcome.
Halalo ath YA’OH
Shalom! I’m am fairly new to this truth but I am a faithful believer in all that’s happening. I am excited and very eager to learn the pure language and laws and how to properly celebrate the holy day which is for YA’OH. I want so badly to join the school once it’s fully launched. Yet I can’t afford much as of now with inflation. So I’m unsure how I’d even make it to the location. Although if there will be something like a zoom for those of us that can’t afford to make it to the academy would be a blessing! It would be Tob ma’ad! That way I can still progress with the flock! I’ll even donate money from every pay check I get once a week to keep the school doors open! Please let me know if there’s a way for me. You may also email me and I’d be happy to give you my personal cell so that I can be in the loop which I’d love! I look forward to finally speaking with you Akhay!
Halalo ath YA’OH
Reading your words was very edifying akhathay.
Hope u can make it to the actual Magdal Ghadar and that we can all soon rejoice together in the land YA’OH has decided for us.
Shalom akhathay
Shalom, Aman Wa Aman. Buying our tickets for a flight out Matsraym Shanay this upcoming week. Got our passports on Shabath (today) so I’m sitting tight for one night! Chabod L’YA’OH! HALALO ath YA’OH!!! Shalom mashpakhathay.
Shalom Mabayn! Halalo ath YA’OH!!!!
This is HIStory in the making! I’m honored to be a part of this! Chabod la YA’OH!!!!!
Shalom Mabayn, Chabod La Ya’oh For His Many Blessings Bestowed Upon His Remnant. Aman Wa’Aman
This is an ultimate blessing to put us on the road to real unity, so the next steps can be the “moving on up”
Shalom Mabayn. Halalo ath YA’OH
Shalom! Khazak La Cham Mashpaka!