A Lexicon of Ghabaray Words:
The Pure Language
P = pail (verb)
Below are all of the Biblical Ghabaray verbs that begin with [‘a], the first ‘oth (sign) of the athath (alphabet signs/letters); this ‘oth is the picture of a sign post (not an ox head!); phonemic value: the glottal-stop [‘] consonant, or the written marker for an a-class vowel depending upon its position within a word; numerical value: 1.
P1 dba
abad – to perish, to destroy
P2 hba
abah – to be willing, to consent
P3 kba
abach – to turn, to roll up
P4 lba
abal – to mourn, to lament
P5 sba
abas – to fatten
P6 qba
abak – to get dusty
P7 rba
abar – to move swiftly, to fly, to accelerate
P8 rga
agar – to gather food
P9 bda
adab – to grieve
P10 mda
adam – to be brown, to be reddish-brown like the color of soil
P11 rda
adar – to be glorious, to be wide, to be great, to be excellent
P12 bha
ahb – to love
P13 lha
ahl – to pitch (a tent), to tabernacle
P14 hwa
‘oh – to be inclined, to desire, to describe
P15 cwa
‘ots – to press, to urge, to rush, to hurry
P16 rwa
‘or – to illuminate, to lighten
P17 twa
‘oth – to mark, to sign, to signal
P18 lza
azal – to dissolve, to distill, to go away
P19 nza
azan – to give ear, to listen, to hear, to prove
P20 rza
azar – to gird, to equip, to suit up
P21 zxa
akhaz – to seize, to grab, to take hold of, to take possession of
P22 rxa
akhar – to remain behind, to tarry, to delay
P23 mja
atam – to shut, to shut something up
P24 rja
atar – to close, to bind
P25 bya
ayb – to be an enemy, to be hostile
P26 lka
achal – to consume, to eat, to put inside one’s body (orally or non-orally)
P27 pka
achap – to be urgent
P28 hla
alah – to take an oath, to make a curse, to wail
P29 xla
alakh – to be corrupt, to be tainted
P30 mla
alam – to be bound up, to be unable to speak
P31 pla
alap – to be familiar with, to cleave to
P32 cla
alats – to press
P33 lma
amal – to be weak, to languish
P34 nma
aman – to be made sure, to confirm, to affirm
P35 cma
amats – to be stout, to be bold, to be courageous, to be alert
P36 rma
amar – to speak, to say, to utter
P37 hna
anah – to encounter
P38 xna
anakh – to sigh, to groan
P39 sna
anas – to compel, to constrain
P40 qna
anak – to cry, to lament
P41 fna
anash – to be sick
P42 psa
asap – to gather
P43 rsa
asar – to bind, to imprison, to prepare
P44 hpa
apah – to bake with fire
P45 spa
apas – to cease, to come to an end, to be empty
P46 ppa
apap – to go around, to surround, to encompass
P47 qpa
apak – to hold, to restrain
P48 lca
atsal – to lay aside, to put to the side
P49 rca
atsar – to lay up, to store up
P50 bca
atsab – to ambush, to lay in wait
P51 gra
arag – to braid, to weave
P52 hra
arah – to pluck
P53 xra
arakh – to wander, to journey
P54 kra
arach – to lengthen
P55 rra
arar – to curse
P56 fra
arash – to pay the bride price
P57 mfa
asham – to offend (someone or something), to be guilty
P58 rfa
ashar – to go straight ahead, to advance, (figuratively) to be happy
P59 hta
athah – to come, to arrive
For all verbs beginning with the next ‘oth [ba] click here.