all verbs beginning with ‘oth [ba]

A Lexicon of Ghabaray Words:


The Pure Language

P = pail (verb)


Below are all of the Biblical Ghabaray verbs that begin with [ba], the second ‘oth (sign) of the athath (alphabet signs/letters); this ‘oth is the diagram of a house; phonemic value: the voiced bilabial stop [b] consonant; numerical value: 2.

P60   rab

ba’ar – to make clear, to make plain, to make distinct, to make pure

P61   fab

ba’ash – to have a bad smell, to stink

P62   dgb

bagad – to deal or act treacherously, deceitfully

P63   adb

bad’ – to invent, to fabricate, to devise (all with ill intent)

P64   ddb

badad – to separate, to isolate

P65   ldb

badal – to be divided

P66   lhb

bahl – to be disturbed, to be dismayed, to be terrified, to make haste

P67   awb

bo’ – to come (in or out), to go (in or out)

P68   zwb

boz – to despise

P69   kwb

boch – to confuse, perplex

P70   swb

bos – to tread down, to trample

P71   rwb

bor – to make clear, to clear up, to explain

P72   fwb

bosh – to be ashamed, to be embarrassed

P73   azb

baz’ – to cut through, to slice through

P74   hzb

bazah – to despise

P75   zzb

bazaz – to spoil, to plunder

P76   rzb

bazar – to scatter

P77   lxb

bakhal – to feel loathing

P78   nxb

bakhan – to examine, to try, to investigate

P79   rxb

bakhar – to choose

P80   ajb, hjb

batah – to speak thoughtlessly, rashly

P81   xjb

batakh – to trust

P82   nyb

bayn – to divide and to discern between things, to understand, to have insight

P83   hkb

bachah – to weep

P84   rkb

bachar – to bear early (to bear new fruit, a firstling, or a firstborn child), to do anything early

P85   glb

balag – to gleam, to smile

P86   hlb

balah – to become worn out, old

P87   hlb

balahh – to trouble, to be troubled

P88   llb

balal – to mix, to mingle, to confuse, to confound

P89   mlb

balam – to curb, to hold in

P90   [lb

balai – to put inside the mouth, to swallow

P91   qlb

balak – to lay waste, to devastate, to obliterate

P92   hnb

banah – to build, to construct

P93   h[b

baih – to inquire, to crack, to swell

P94   j[b

bait – to kick

P95   l[b

bail – to marry, to be lord of

P96   r[b

bair – to burn

P97   t[b

baith – to fall upon, to terrify, to startle

P98   [cb

batsai – to cut off, to break off, to gain by force

P99   qcb

batsak – to swell

P100   rcb

batsar – to close off, to enclose

P101   [qb

bakai – to break open, to break through, to cleave

P102   qqb

bakak – to empty out

P103   rqb

bakar – to inquire

P104   fqb

bakash – to seek

P105   arb

bar’ – to create, to shape, to form, to fashion

P106   hrb

barah – to eat

P107   xrb

barakh – to flee, to go through

P108   krb

barach – to bless, to bend down and kneel

P109   qrb

barak – to flash lightning

P110   rrb

barar – to purify, to purge out

P111   rfb

bashar – to preach, to bear tidings, to publicize

P112   lfb

bashal – to boil, to seethe

P113   sfb

bashas – to trample

P114   qtb

bathak – to thrust through

P115   rtb

bathar – to cut in two

For all verbs beginning with the next ‘oth [ga] click here.