A Lexicon of Ghabaray Words:
The Pure Language
P = pail (verb)
Below are all of the Biblical Ghabaray verbs that begin with [ha], the fifth ‘oth (sign) of the athath (alphabet signs/letters); this ‘oth is the picture of light rays shining downward; phonemic value: the voiceless pharyngeal fricative [h] consonant, or a marker for a lengthened inherent a-class vowel within words, or a marker for a lengthened written vowel; numerical value: 5.
P205 lbh
habal – to become empty, vain
P206 hgh
hagah – to remove
P207 hdh
hadah – to stretch out the hand
P208 kdh
hadach – to cast down
P209 pdh
hadap – to thrust out
P210 rdh
hadar – to honor, to adorn
P211 hwh
hoh – to fall out, to happen, to occur, to come to pass, to become, to come to be (a rare parallel form of P214); Ecc 11:3 does not have this form in the imperfect with [‘a] otiosum. The divine name is reduced to its initial letter [y] and prefixed to the 3pms pronoun, i.e. “there YA’OH is He”.
P212 nwh
hon – to be light-minded, to be stupid, to be frivolous, to not think carefully and seriously
P213 hzh
hazah – to talk while sleeping, to ramble while dreaming
P214 hyh
hayh – to fall out, to happen, to occur, to come to pass, to become, to come to be
P215 rkh
hachar – to be stunned, to be shocked
P216 klh
halach – to walk, to go
P217 llh
halal – to shine, to praise, to be boastful
P218 mlh
halam – to smite (with hammer), to strike down
P219 hmh
hamah – to murmur, to growl, to be boisterous
P220 mmh
hamam – to make noise, move noisily
P221 nmh
haman – to rage
P222 kph
hapach – to turn, to change, to overturn
P223 grh
harag – to kill
P224 hrh
harah – to conceive, to become pregnant
P225 srh
haras – to throw down, to overthrow, to break
P226 lth
hathal – to deceive, to mock
P227 tth
hathath – to verbally abuse, to assail with shouts
For all verbs beginning with the next ‘oth [wa] click here.