all verbs beginning with ‘oth [kha]

A Lexicon of Ghabaray Words:


The Pure Language

P = pail (verb)


Below are all of the Biblical Ghabaray verbs that begin with [kha], the eighth ‘oth (sign) of the athath (alphabet signs/letters); this ‘oth is the crude drawing of the world’s strongest animal, i.e. the beetle; phonemic value: the voiceless velar fricative [ḥ] consonant; numerical value: 8.

P264   abx

khab’ – to hide, to withdraw

P265   bbx

khabab – to cherish, to love fondly

P266   hbx

khabah – to conceal

P267   jbx

khabat – to beat out

P268   lbx

khabal – to tighten a cord as in to bind, (figuratively) to pledge; to twist as in pervert, corrupt, destroy

P269   qbx

khabak – to embrace

P270   rbx

khabar – to unite, to join, to associate

P271   fbx

khabash – to bind up

P272   ggx

khagag – to keep a feast, to make a pilgrimage

P273   rgx

khagar – to gird on

P274   ddx

khadad – to be sharp, to sharpen, to be sharpened; (figuratively) to be keen

P275   hdx

khadah – to grow sharp; (figuratively) to rejoice

P276   ldx

khadal – to cease, to leave off

P277   rdx

khadar – to enclose

P278   fdx

khadash – to renew, to recycle (as in recycle the calendar month)

P279   byx,  bwx

khob, khayb – to obligate (Dan 1:10)

P280   gwx

khog – to make a circle, to make a complete revolution by going around in a circle, to draw a circle

P281   dwx

khod – to make a riddle

P282   hwx

khoh – to make someone or something alive, to animate; (figuratively) to shew, to declare

P283   lyx, lwx

khol, khayl – to dance, to writhe; to be strong, to be firm

P284   mwx

khom – to pity, to spare

P285   rwx

khor – to be or grow white (this has nothing to do with skin color, as there is no such thing as white skin)

P286   fwx

khosh – to make haste

P287   hzx

khazah – to behold, to see

P288   qzx

khazak – to be strong

P289   ajx

khat’ – to miss, to go wrong, to sin

P290   bjx

khatab – to cut, to cut and gather wood

P291   mjx

khatam – to hold in, to restrain

P292   pjx

khatap – to catch, to seize

P293   hyx

khayh – to live

P294   hkx

khachah – to wait

P295   mkx

khacham – to be wise

P296   alx

khal’ – to be sick, diseased

P297   hlx

khalah – to be weak, to pacify, to appease

P298   jlx

khalat – to catch a word, to declare and to confirm a statement

P299   llx

khalal – to bore, to perforate, to pierce, to hollow out; (figuratively) to profane, to defile; to start something, to begin, to begin an inheritance; to play a pipe (by forcing air to bore through a tube)

P300   mlx

khalam – to be healthy

For all verbs beginning with the next ‘oth [ta] click here.