wa-hashayb-cha/ והשיבך
Parts of speech: waw-conjunction + verb, perfect aspect, causative stem, 3rd person, masculine, singular + pronominal suffix, 2nd person, masculine, singular (objective)
Root: shob/ שוב (to bring, to restore)
Translation: “and He caused to bring you” (the prophetic perfect tense)
*not “He will bring you again” (cf. Job 30:23)
YA’OH/ יהוה
Part of speech: proper noun, divine name.
Phonetics: two syllables divided by an unwritten glottal stop which is also the onset of the long vowel in the terminal syllable, as per the transliteration << Ιαω >> in fragment 20 of the Dead Sea Scroll manuscript 4Q120 dated 1st-century BCE.
Matsraym/ מצרים
Part of speech: proper locative noun
Etymology: plural of matsor/ מצור (tower, fortification). It is the only word in Biblical Hebrew that answers to the kind of tower which has the majority of its mass closer to the ground and less and less of its mass towards an apex. This was called πυραμίς in Greek. What the Greeks called a πυραμίς the biblical Hebrews called a מצור.
Definition: “land of the pyramids”
ba-anay’oth/ באניות
Parts of speech: preposition prefix + noun, feminine, plural, absolute
Translation: “by ships”
ba-darach/ בדרך
Parts of speech: preposition prefix, indefinite + noun, masculine/feminine, singular, absolute
Translation: “in a manner”
ashar/ אשר
Part of speech: particle, relative, demonstrative
Translation: “which”
amarthay/ אמרתי
Parts of speech: verb, basic stem, perfect aspect, 1st person, common, singular
Root: amar/ אמר (to say)
Translation: “I said”
la-cha/ לך
Part of speech: preposition + pronominal suffix, 2nd person, masculine, singular (objective)
Translation: “to you”
la/ לא
Part of speech: negative particle
Translation: “not”
thasayp/ תסיף
Part of speech: verb, causative stem, imperfect aspect, 2nd person, masculine, singular
Root: yasap/ יסף (to add)
Translation: “you will add”
ghod/ עוד
Part of speech: adverb
Translation: “more”
la-ra’ath-ha/ לראתה
Part of speech: preposition + verb, basic stem, infinitive construct + pronominal suffix, 3rd person, feminine, singular (objective)
Root: ra’ah/ ראה (to see)
Translation: “to see it”
wa-hathamachartham/ והתמכרתם
Part of speech: waw-conjunction + verb, intensified reflexive stem, perfect aspect, 2nd person, masculine, plural
Root: machar/ מכר (to sell)
Translation: “and you sold yourselves” (prophetic perfect tense)
*the action in the intensive reflexive stem is completed
sham/ שם
Part of speech: adverb
Translation: “there”
la-aybay-cha/ לאיביך
Parts of speech: preposition + active participle noun, masculine, plural, construct + pronominal suffix, 2nd person, masculine, singular (possessive)
Root: ayb/ איב (to be hostile to, to be an enemy)
Translation: “to your enemies”
la-ghabadaym/ לעבדים
Parts of speech: preposition + noun, masculine, plural, absolute
Translation: “for male slaves”
wa-la-shapakhoth/ ולשפחות
Parts of speech: waw-conjuction + preposition + noun, feminine, plural, absolute
Translation: “and for female slaves”
wa-ayn/ ואין
Parts of speech: waw-conjunction + particle negative
Translation: “and there is no”
kanah/ קנה
Part of speech: active participle noun, masculine, singular, absolute
Root: kanah/ קנה (to redeem, to buy)
Translation: “redeemer”
*see Exo. 15:16; Psa. 74:2
“And YA’OH caused you to be brought (to) the land of the pyramids by ships in a manner which I said to you: ‘Not you will add more to see it.’ And you sold yourselves there to your enemies for male slaves and for female slaves: and there is no redeemer.”
– Thorah 5 (aka Deuteronomy) 28:68
This curse is not saying that the people being addressed (i.e. all twelve tribes) by the prophet would collectively be returned to the Egypt where they had been slaves. The words, “not you will add more to see it,” are not an imperative command to the people that they must never return to Egypt. The words are in fact a rephrasing of the declaration made 40 years earlier, in Exo. 14:13, which states that the twelve tribes as a nation would never experience enslavement at the hand of the Egyptians ever again.
This promise has been kept. Only remnants of the nation have experienced slavery in Egypt subsequent to their Exodus in the 15th-century BCE, but never again would the entire nation with all twelve of its tribes experience slavery in the Nile Valley ruled by the pharaohs.
The original declaration in Exo. 14:13 has: “Not you will add TO SEE THEM (לראתם) more,” with an objective pronominal suffix in the 3rd person, masculine, plural, at the end of the infinitive verb. But the reworded declaration in Deu. 28:68 has: “Not you will add more TO SEE IT” (לראתה), which uses an objective pronominal suffix in the 3rd person, feminine, singular, at the end of the same infinitive verb. The switch from the masculine plural to the feminine singular pronoun can only be pointing to the “land” of Egypt which is grammatically 3rd person, feminine, singular.
So the twelve tribes are not supposed to see the Egyptian people (the “them”) as slave masters over their whole nation ever again. Nor are they to experience slavery as a whole nation in the “land” of Egypt (the “it”) ever again.
What this curse states is that “you,” meaning the whole nation of the twelve tribes addressed collectively by the 2nd person singular pronoun, would be brought to the land of the pyramids by ships “in a manner” that will not contradict the words: “Not will you add more to see it.” If the whole nation goes back to the same country they exited from in the 15th-century BCE then the declaration made in Exo. 14:13, rephrased in Deu. 28:68, is contradicted. There is no way around this conclusion, not grammatically anyway.
The land of the pyramids where the curse says the twelve tribes will collectively be transported by ships is a place where they will definitely sell themselves to their enemies as male and female slaves. The intensified reflexive verb התמכרתם is not expressing a desire to be sold. The action is complete and finalized. So their servitude will initially be voluntary, i.e. they will begin as indentured servants.
However, the final words of the curse, “and there is no redeemer,” indicate that their status will change from being indentures to being chattels, and there will be no “redeemer” for them as a nation of people. No one will purchase this nation’s freedom in the land of the pyramids where they will be brought by ships as slaves.
The people left Egypt in the Exodus in the millions (600K males ages 20+ and not counting women and children). So this curse which reverses the Exodus cannot be meaningful in any way, shape, or form unless the whole nation of twelve tribes is brought to the land of the pyramids by the millions, and this will obviously require many voyages in many slave ships over an extended period of time.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.
1.15.7252 (April 5, 2023)