[1] And I returned, and lifted my eyes, and I saw, and behold a flying scroll.
[2] And he said to me: What do you see? And I said: I see a flying scroll. It’s length is twenty cubits, and its width is ten cubits.
[3] And he said to me: This is the curse, the one going forth upon the face of the whole earth. For everyone who steals from that like unto it has been exempt from punishment, and everyone who swears from that like unto it has been exempt from punishment.
[4] I will bring it forth, says YA’OH tsaba’oth, and it will come to the house of the one who steals and to the house of the one who swears by the name of me that is false, and it lodges in the midst of his house, and it will consume it, and the wood of it, and the stones of it.
[Verse 1] Our Ghabaray ancestors normally used parchment and leather scrolls for writing their documents. Sometimes they wrote on stone tablets or on broken pieces of pottery sherds. The writing on scrolls was divided into columns, and when completed the document was rolled round one or two wooden dowel rods and kept in a case somewhere away from the elements that act to deteriorate it. A scroll made of leather or parchment is a perishable medium and this is why so little of our documentation which must have been quite abundant has been preserved from ancient times.
[Verse 2] In the present vision the maglah ghapah (‘flying scroll’) seen by the prophet Zachar-Ya’oh in his sixth vision is unrolled and exhibited in its full length and breadth, showing that it’s writing was to be made known to all. It’s flight denotes the speedy distribution of the document and the high style of it’s language. The document is said to be a massive twenty cubits long and ten cubits wide (9 meters x 4.8 meters [32 feet x 16 feet]). These huge measurements immediately recall the measurements of the olam (‘tower portico’) which Shalamah made for the front of the First Temple (1 Kings 6:3), and this provides us with our first clue as to the meaning of this vision.
[Verse 3] The maglah ghapah is called ha-alah (‘the curse’) that goes forth upon the face of the whole earth. In order for any document to have this kind of worldwide impact and influence it must be among the most distributed books ever printed. Yes? Yes. There is only one book in the world that answers to this description. Before we disclose the identity of this book let me say that the stupidest and utterly moronic interpretation of this vision I have seen put forward by heathens is that the flying scroll is a nuke because when rolled up the scroll is shaped like a cylinder and what else flies through the sky shaped like a cylinder and delivers a curse to the world except for an intercontinental ballistic nuclear missile?
I’m going to need you to act like you have some damn sense, put heathen foolishness like this aside, put your thinking caps on, think really hard, and check your emotions and your cognitive dissonance at the door.
Hypothetically speaking, let’s say you wanted to market and distribute a book to the masses with your intents being to make your book the most printed book ever, and the most distributed book all over the face of the world. Let’s also say you knew the book contained lies and misinformation because you are the one who put them there.
How would you go about marketing and selling your deception to the mass general public? Are there any marketing and communication majors reading this blog post today? How would you design the book’s front cover which is the first thing people would notice on the bookshelves in bookstores? Would you put a devil on the front cover with horns, a tail, and a pitchfork in his hand and show him dancing around in flames and torturing souls? Is that the image you’d put on the cover of that book and what you’d want people to see? You’d be lucky if you sold more than 500 copies of that book. It might attract a small readership but that book has no chance of ever becoming the most important book ever printed.
Or how about this. Instead of killing any chance your book has to become successful worldwide, you decided to be genius level smart and get a king to authorize your book and then market your book to the general public as the infallible word of God, claim that there are no lies or contradictions therein, which you know is not true, and design it’s front cover so that it looks something like this?
Don’t look and act so surprised. The 1611 Queen James Virus, that’s what I call it because I have absolutely no respect for it, has not only become the most influential book in the history of the English-speaking world, it has also become the most influential book in the entire world as a whole. You don’t have to take my word for it. Sources claiming that the QJV is the best-selling book of all time are too numerous to cite. We could literally be here all day. David Daniell, author of the magisterial, The Bible in English, states that the QJV is “still the bestselling book in the world.” Adam Nicolson, in his book, God’s Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible, writes that more than five billion copies of the Queen James Bible have been sold. Gordon Campbell, in his recent Oxford University Press book entitled, Bible: The Story of the King James Version 1611-2011, calls the Queen James Version “the most important book in the English language.”
With more than six billion copies printed and distributed since 1611, the 1611 Queen James Virus Bible is the most popular book in the world, and the most published heathen bible translation of them all. Hands down it is the number one best selling and most distributed book in human history. No other book even comes close.
You’d think the prophets of YA’OH would have foreseen this and have something to say about such an important religious document in advance of it flying off the printing press by the thousands year after year after year for more than 400 consecutive years now; and sure enough they absolutely do have something to say about it.
For everyone who steals from that like unto it has been exempt from punishment. You are reading this and thinking to yourself that is not what verse 3 says in the 1611 Queen James Virus. It says this: “for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it”.
My translation differs from the 1611 Queen James Virus translation because the 1611 Queen James Virus translation is wrong. The words chay chal ha-ganab ma-zah chamo-ha nakah (כי כל־הגנב מזה כמוה נקה) begin with the conjunction particle chay (‘for’), followed by the noun chal (‘all, everyone’), followed by the active participle in the singular, masculine, absolute with a definite article prefix ha-ganab (‘the one who steals’), followed by a preposition ma (‘from’) prefixed to the demonstrative pronoun zah (‘that’), followed by another preposition chamo (‘like unto’) with a pronominal suffix in the third person feminine singular ha (‘it’), followed by a perfect tense passive verb in the third person masculine singular nakah (‘he has been exempt from punishment’). This verb does not mean “cut off” at all. It means to be held guiltless and unpunished.
So what is being conveyed by these words? We are talking about a book, a huge book, a book with unprecedented worldwide distribution, a book that flies. As I already said, the book’s measurements 20×10 cubits direct our attention to the olam of the First Temple. The olam was not part of the temple proper but was a separate building erected before the eastern facade of the temple. Shalamah made it for decoration purposes. It was overlaid within with pure gold. The scripture in 2 Chronicles 3:4 states that the olam was 120 cubits in height (59 meters [194 feet!]), which means it towered and soared above the height of the temple building which was thirty cubits (14 meters [48 feet]). The olam was flying high! In order to enter the temple you had to walk through the olam. Hence the olam was a soaring, decorative gateway into the temple, and herein lies the connection and the key that unlocks the meaning of the prophet’s vision.
The flying scroll is a highly decorated book that soars upwards and purports to be the gateway into the sacred and holy things of God, but it is a deception because it takes the words of God out of context through mistranslation and misrepresentation. When you take something out of context and use it for something other than its intended purpose that’s called stealing and misappropriation. Look these words up. People who trust the flying scroll are unaware that they are stealing from that like unto it, meaning they are stealing from the real book that the flying scroll claims to be a faithful translation and representation of. They have been exempt from punishment because punishment is being delayed.
The next clause in verse 3 is translated by the 1611 Queen James Virus to read: “and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it”. The correct translation is: and everyone who swears from that like unto it has been exempt from punishment. People who have made the flying scroll the book they swear by are unaware that they are falsely swearing by the real book that the flying scroll claims to be a faithful translation and representation of. They have been exempt and their punishment has been delayed while they are ignorant and unaware of their error.
[Verse 4] I will bring it forth, says YA’OH tsaba’oth. The flying scroll is not the work of the devil. The devil is too stupid to pull something of this magnitude off. This book is the marketing genius of YA’OH Himself. He is the one who created this airborne virus. Now you’re saying why on earth would He do that? Why would He want people all over the world to be deceived? The answer is that He created darkness and evil and uses them for His purposes (Yashai-Ya’oh 45:7). He had the flying scroll made by heathens for heathens in 1611. This translation was never intended to forever replace the real book for His own people, the people of Ya’oh-shar-al. The faulty translation was intended for Ya’oh-shar-al only during the period of their punishment and curses, and their punishment and their curses have an expiration date.
and it will come to the house of the one who steals and to the house of the one who swears by a false name of me. YA’OH created this flying scroll to be a curse to the whole world and a chastisement and a test for His own people who should know better than to trust the nonsense contained within this book. The book is designed to make itself at home in the home of the one who steals, meaning the one who takes the untranslated words of God out of their original context. It will also come into the home of ha-nashabai ba-shamay la-shakar (‘the one who swears by the name of me that is false’) meaning the home of the one who calls YA’OH by a false name, and there are many false names: e.g. LORD, JEHOVAH, JESUS, YAHWEH, YAHAWAH, YAHUAH, YAWA, YEHOWAH, AHAYAH, YAHOVAH and the list goes on and on. All of these false names are coming from translations and the 1611 Queen James Virus is the king and the mother of all translations. The people swearing by these false names as if they are true are exempt from punishment while they are ignorant of their error, but this ignorance will only endure for so long and it will only give them a pass but for so long. Those of you reading this blog post now, guess what? If you were ignorant prior to reading this blog your ignorance has been cured. Your pass has now been revoked.
and it lodges in the midst of his house, and it will consume it, and the wood of it, and the stones of it. The book that the one who steals and the one who swears put their trust in to tell them the truth is actually their enemy putting them in the dilemma of a Catch-22, a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot easily escape because of contradictory limitations. The solution to the problem (I should get rid of the translation and learn the original) is also the cause of the problem (I need a translation because learning the original is too hard and too time consuming). It’s like gambling. The longer you sit at the table in the casino and gamble the house always wins.
As long as this heathen translation, and many other translations attempting to emulate its success, has a home it will consume the home along with the idolatry that is being promoted in the home by the translation. The idolatry is that of a god made of wood and stone, the god called Jesus Christ. The home is made with the wood and stone of this false god because of the success of the flying scroll, and the flying scroll will also be the house’s downfall. Simply put, the book is an airborne virus designed by YA’OH to curse the entire world and to temporarily punish His own people, and the one who caused this worldwide pandemic is the only one with the vaccine that can cure it.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.
1.15.7252 (April 5, 2023)
I’m trying to get a Scripture
HALALO YA OH I’m glad I’m woke great message RAVENOUS BIRD
HALALO ATH YA’OH. Well at least we YA’OHSHARALAY are now flying in the right direction. Fly RAVENOUS fly. Our ALA’AYM is a Fiercely jealous ALA’AYM.