Zachar-Ya’oh (Zechariah) 5:9-10
I’m showing you what the above text of Zachar-Ya’oh 5:9-10 actually conveys in the source language. Your Queen James Virus translation, and every other filthy English translation, hides the truth so you cannot clearly see what the grammar is doing.
The prophet saw two women with the wind in their wings, but they are also described as men with wings, and when the prophet asked the messenger to where they were flying, the prophet referred to them as men, not as women.
![This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is fly3-1024x628.png](https://yaohsharal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/fly3-1024x628.png)
The aypah measure is not large enough for an adult woman to fit inside. So this incongruent detail tells us something else: only a remnant of our nation will actually be transported to “Shanair” in the far east. Once they have been transported to their destination their situation will change drastically and they will no longer be trapped inside the basket. They will be established on their own base and they will prosper and increase, in righteousness.
#EXODUS 2023
Summation: You, OMPP, were brought to the land of pyramids in the New World during slavery in carrier ships that sailed the high seas. This was your punishment (Deu 28:68). But your Exodus will involve carrier ships that will fly you high in the skies up above. These modern airplane ships will airlift you and bring you to the wilderness in the far east which is the nascent origins of man. It is the same place where the name YA’OH is being proclaimed by a Ravenous Bird.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.