Two Vowel Assignments
Two Vowel Assignments Read More »
I do realize and take into consideration how vetted information is damaging to churches and camps who have unknowingly committed themselves to ignorance and uneducated error. My job is to correct that error. The only reason we know what ancient Egyptian texts say today is because the Greeks left behind transliterations. These are Greek words
YA’OH in Egyptian Texts Read More »
“But after two years Porcius Festus came into Felix’ room: and Felix, willing to shew the Jews a pleasure, left Paul bound” (Acts 24:27 KJV). How? Acts 24:27 says Paul was in the custody of Felix for two years and then Festus replaced Felix and Paul was still bound. These two years would have to
Impossible To Reconcile Read More »
There was never a king of the Neo-Babylonian period named Belshazzar son of Nebuchadnezzar as is stated in the Book of Danay’al (Daniel) chapters 5, 7, and 8. So modern European biblical critics dismiss the Book of Danay’al as a historical fiction written in the 2nd century BCE. Here are the kings of the Neo-Babylonian
I’m going to need you to really put your thinking caps on for a minute. THINK! If you were Satan and your goal was to deceive millions and millions of people, would you put out a book with pentagrams on it and blood and flames and a picture of a red guy with fangs, horns,
Oh wait, but I thought Ban Dor the Ravenous Bird made up that name? No. He was not around in 1977. But the name YA’OH has been around since before the world was created. OMPP brought the holy name with them when they were shipped to the land of pyramids in the New World during
YA’OH is not a new name, them other names are Read More »
The two surviving sons of the high priest Ahran were Al-ghazar (“Al has helped”) and Ay-thamar (“island of the palm tree”). In the time of King Doayd there were only eight chief men descended from Ay-thamar but sixteen were descended from Al-ghazar (1 Chronicles 24:1-18). So King Doayd divided the weekly priestly rotation in the
Year 7249 and Calendar Basics Read More »
This pirate’s anthem was put out by The Viceroys in 1968 under the name YA HO. But if you listen carefully that is not what these OMPP men are actually singing. They are singing YA-OH. It has been estimated that one-third of all pirates in the Caribbean were runaway OMPP slaves contrary to what the
OMPP pirates of the Caribbean knew His name Read More »
You’ve often heard that we are supposed to love everyone and forgive our enemies no matter who they are and no matter what they did. This is a distortion of the truth. It makes it seem as if what Doayd did in this Mazmor (Psalm) that he wrote, and others like it, was wrong. But
Forgive your enemies? Read More »