
Message In A Bottle

“Again said Ya’ohshai unto his students: The kingdom of heaven, it is like for a man who finds a treasure which it will be hidden, and in gladness of the value, he will sell everything which he has and he will buy the field for himself” (Mathath-Ya’oh 13:44). The Greek is slightly different, but we

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Terraces, anyone?

Everyday in Israel on my way to Jerusalem for work, driving from my place in Modiin, you can see these amazing man-made terraces resembling steps that are carved into the sides of the steep hills as you drive along the main highway and ascend up into Jerusalem. There are no flat lands so this is

Terraces, anyone? Read More »

I will restore to you

According to Ya’oh-al (Joel) 1:4, the four different species of locusts devoured Ya’ohsharal in the following order: the gazam came first; then the arabah came after the gazam; then the yalak came after the arabah; then the khasayl came after the yalak. The “great army” is the Fourth Kingdom upon earth, i.e. Christendom which is

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