

There was never a king of the Neo-Babylonian period named Belshazzar son of Nebuchadnezzar as is stated in the Book of Danay’al (Daniel) chapters 5, 7, and 8. So modern European biblical critics dismiss the Book of Danay’al as a historical fiction written in the 2nd century BCE. Here are the kings of the Neo-Babylonian



I’m going to need you to really put your thinking caps on for a minute. THINK! If you were Satan and your goal was to deceive millions and millions of people, would you put out a book with pentagrams on it and blood and flames and a picture of a red guy with fangs, horns,

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Banay Ya’ohsharal attestation in medieval West African literature

For us OMPP (Descendants of those shipped via the middle passage from West Africa to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade) who are reclaiming our identity as Ya’ohsharalay (Israelites) it is of the upmost importance for us to know and identify who our ancestors were specifically in the West African region prior to the

Banay Ya’ohsharal attestation in medieval West African literature Read More »

A picture says a 1,000 words

Head of a Ya’ohsharaly man from the Southern Levant Item’s present location: KUNSTHISTORISCHES MUSEUM International inventory number: 09/001/4907 Inventory number: 3896b Date: 20th Dynasty: Ramesses III (1184-1153 BC) Provenance: Lower Egypt: Governorate of Qalyubiya: Tell El-Yhudiya Material: Faience Egyptian ceramic tile decoration Height: 9.2 cm Width: 10 cm Year of acquisition: 1878 Description: Negroid man

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