
Go to the Waymark

“Like heat at a waymark, the uproar of the loathsome ones will you [YA’OH] subjugate. Heat in the shadow of a cloud. The song of the terror-striking ones will be brought down. And YA’OH of hosts will make for all nations, in this mountain, a feast of the ostentatiously lavish, a feast of the lees, […]

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Your Sword

“And will fall Ashor by the sword not of a man, and the sword not of men. You will devour him. And he will flee because of it, from before the sword, and his young men for a gang of slave laborers will they be” (Yashai-Ya’oh 31:8). If you know the history of the ancient

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Where Is My House?

“Thus says YA’OH: Heaven is my throne and the earth the stool of my foot. Where is this, the house which you all will build for me? And where is this, the place of my rest?” (Yashai-Ya’oh 66:1). According to the satanic Greek New Testament, this verse from the prophet Yashai-Ya’oh declares that the Creator

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The Man of My Counsel?

wa-shacharaym /ושכריםconjunctionactive participle (noun), masculine, plural, absolute“and the ones hired” ghalay-ham /עליהםprepositionpronominal suffix 3pmp“against them” yotsaym /יועציםemphasized active participle (noun), masculine, plural, absolute“the ones who counsel” la-hapar /להפרprepositionverb, root פרר, causative stem, infinitive construct“to cause to frustrate” ghatsatham /עצתםnoun, feminine, singular, constructpronominal suffix 3pmp“their counsel” chal /כלnoun, masculine, singular, construct“all of” yamay /ימיnoun, masculine, plural,

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Napathal + ay = “he/it was wrestled/twisted by me” (passive stem + objective 1st person pronominal suffix) “And for Napathalay he said: Napathalay, satiated of desire, and full of the blessing of YA’OH, west and south, take possession!” (Thorah 5.33:23). Oh yeah, that’s a perfect description of the indigenous Amerindians of Argentina and Chile who



Oh yeah, that sounds exactly like the natives of the Americas who were wiped out to virtual extinction by genocidal European colonizers. Yep, Ephraim and Manasseh, that’s them indigenous Puerto Ricans and them indigenous Cubans alright! But you need the Holy Ghost in order to get the proper understanding of this truth. Lies. Aparaym (fruitful)