What’s The Difference?

Them: It’s just a name! We believe in the same God! It doesn’t matter what you call him! Stop dividing people!

Wrong. Here’s the difference:

Yahawah, she got a son named Yahawashi who helped her create heaven and earth and everything in them.

Yahuah, she got a son named Yahushua who helped her create heaven and earth and everything in them.

Ahayah, she got a son named Yashaya who helped her create heaven and earth and everything in them.

Yahweh, she got a son named Yeshua who helped her create heaven and earth and everything in them.

Jehovah, she got a son named Jesus who helped her create heaven and earth and everything in them.

Let me be brutally honest and even offensive because its necessary. All of these are the same two dollar prostitute and her mamzar (bastard) son, just with different names. They are abominations and idolatry.

Here is the true Ala’aym, the one I serve:

YA’OH, He has an innumerable number of sons, and none of them helped Him do a damn thing. He stretched out the heavens alone by Himself

. “Thus says YA’OH, your redeemer, and He that formed you from the womb, I am YA’OH, the one who made everything, the one who stretched out the heavens alone, the one who spread abroad the earth by myself” (Yashai-Ya’oh [Isaiah] 44:24).

Do you see the words “alone” and “by myself”???

When you finally understand what this means you will realize the messiah is just a man like us. He did not die for anyone’s sins. Nor is he the savior of the world. He is the brother (flesh and bones) of every Ya’ohsharalay who keeps the commandments of YA’OH. Once this sinks in, you will flush that Greek New Testament down the toilet, go find Paul’s grave, dig that lying Herodian Edomite bastard up, and kill him again. Then you will be disgusted in yourself for being deceived by him and that book with his name in it everywhere. Ya’ohsharal, return to your Maker.

His name is YA’OH

Always has been. Always will be.


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