You’re Grass But You Can Matter

Did you get all that juicy Ghabarayth grammar and parsing? Don’t worry if you didn’t. If you’re my student, you will.

Forget the 1611 Queen James Virus. Here is the correct translation into the heathen’s filthy English, the language of your oppressor that you cling to for dear life:

“A voice is saying: You, call out! And I said: What will I call out? All the flesh is an enclosure of grass, and all the mercy of it like a shining glimmer of the field. Dried up is the enclosure of grass, fallen down is the shinning glimmer. For the wind of YA’OH has blown on it. Certainly the enclosure of grass is the nation. Dried up is the enclosure of grass, fallen down is the shinning glimmer, but the word of our Ala’aym will be established forever.”

The voice calling out to you from the wilderness (that’s me), telling you to prepare the way of YA’OH in the wilderness, is also ordered to tell you something else as well.

Our lives a very short and time goes by very fast. If you waste time it will be too late and your life will have meant nothing. Just dust in the wind, tossed about by the winds of time, and entertaining itself as best it can before it vanishes into oblivion, as if it was never here to begin with. Tears in rain.

You need to find that one thing in life that actually means something because clinging to that, and putting all your eggs in that basket, will make your brief little life mean more than just taking up the breathing space it is now.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead was once an extremely popular and important piece of literature to the ancient Egyptians. It was pretty much their “bible”. Today, however, only a small handful of trained scholars can actually read it. 99.99999 percent of human beings alive today cannot read it (not without a biased European translation into English), have absolutely no desire to read it, and don’t care what it has to say. It has become completely irrelevant.

On the other hand, your book, OMPP, your book is different. The whole world is interested in what YOUR BOOK has to say. The majority may not understand it correctly, but they are reading it daily. The book your ancestors wrote is entirely different because the god of your ancestors who inspired them to write it, He is real. He is real, family.

His word, His plans, they cannot be overturned. They are what is permanent.

My life is not an accident, a combination of random, happenstance incidents resulting in a carbon based life form without intrinsic value, meaning, or tangible purpose; and neither is yours. I was born and raised up in the north to re-introduce His name from the far east to His people in the west, and to stir you up into action. To set you on fire so that you muster up the will and the determination to do what He, not me, wants you to do. To do what has never been done by any nation. To make your generations proud to be your children because of the foundation you laid, and the future you carved out for them. To pick yourselves up from the bottom of the barrel and drive and push yourselves back into His good graces so that He will be pleased to make you the rulers of this world instead of its doormat.

He can do that. He can do that because He said He would. He can do that because He is real.

His name is YA’OH

Always has been. Always will be.


4 thoughts on “You’re Grass But You Can Matter”

  1. Clinton Green

    The life i have is not mine. I have been saved from certain death 4 times of which i am certain and probably many more that i don’t know of. i know that there is something Ya’Oh has for me to do for the family Ya’Ohsharal.
    My prayer day and night if for the family and you, Gods chosen one. May Ya”Oh continue to bless you, even as He has from the womb until this time!

  2. Clinton Green

    The life i have is not mine. I have been saved from certain death 4 times of which i am certain and probably many more that i don’t know of. i know that there is something Ya’Oh has for me to do for the family Ya’Ohsharal. if i am right, truly we will be able to sack this land of pyramids. I hope i am correct!
    My prayer day and night if for the family and you, Gods chosen one. May Ya”Oh continue to bless you, even as He has from the womb until this time!

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