Napathal + ay = “he/it was wrestled/twisted by me” (passive stem + objective 1st person pronominal suffix)

“And for Napathalay he said: Napathalay, satiated of desire, and full of the blessing of YA’OH, west and south, take possession!” (Thorah 5.33:23).

Oh yeah, that’s a perfect description of the indigenous Amerindians of Argentina and Chile who were wiped out to near extinction by European colonizers, to the point that today 65% of the Argentine population is genetically of European descent. So let’s pay no attention to the fact that Argentina’s current genetic footprint is primarily European. The same is true in Chile. You need the Holy Ghost in order to get the proper understanding of this truth.


Napathalay are the OMPP brought by slave ships to South America, fulfilling Deuteronomy 28:68 and 33:23 simultaneously. The largest number of OMPP slaves by far were shipped here during slavery and that is why the prophecy states they would possess the west and south of the world, meaning they would be so numerous that they would be dispersed throughout the whole continent of South America. This has become an indisputable fact that simply cannot be denied by any rational person.

They are “full of the blessings of YA’OH” meaning they have all the gifts of the other tribes: escape artists, fighters, grapplers, musicians, athletes, authors, artists, poets, multi-lingual, etc., you name it, and also the first OMPP to defy their slave masters and establish Maroon communities throughout the bush of the New World.

On top of all that, in terms of sheer numbers, Napathalay are the largest group of OMPP with the most stunning and strikingly beautiful looking people in the world. Their “beautiful progeny” (Thorah 1.49:21), i.e. their physical attractiveness, is what makes them, not the indigenous Amerindians and not the European colonizers, stand out as ones “satiated of desire.”

Throw that stupid and ignorant 1 West isupk 12 tribes chart in the trash. The true identity of the lost tribes is revealed by a man, yes a man, in the islands who has a mouth like a sharp sword (Yashai-Ya’oh 49:1-6) and who proclaims the true name of the one who is Above All (Yashai-Ya’oh 41:25).

His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.


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