This prophecy never happened historically. The return from the Babylonian exile in the 6th century BC (starting in 519 BC) was not one from a city and two from a family. The refugees at that time returned in mass waves of thousands of people (cf. Ezra 2:64-67). The prophesied migration to Tsayon (Zion) one by one and two by two has never happened because it is a future event. It is talking about the Exodus of the remnant out of the land of pyramids in the New World where their ancestors were shipped as slaves during slavery.
The Tsayon that is prophesied here is not the literal Tsayon which lies in ruins today. Tsayon in this prophecy is the second wilderness camp. There will not be a mass movement of people all at once to the second wilderness. Instead, YA’OH is going to cause people to move to the wilderness in very small groups, one by one from a city, and two by two from a family. That’s His plan, not a televised and dramatic 1 million man march.

If you read this verse according to the 1611 Queen James Virus translation, it sounds like the ark will become a relic of the past that everyone forgets about and no one will ever talk about it again. This could not be further from the truth. The Queen James Virus is simply inaccurate. What this verse is really saying is that once the remnant has increased in numbers and multiplied in the land of the second wilderness, they will find and recover the lost Ark of the Covenant.
There will be no more wondering about where it could be and who has it. There will be no more need to memorialize it with drawings and illustrations. There will be no more talk about going to look for it. Those days will be over, for the remnant living in the wilderness will send out men to find it and they will find it, and it will be with the remnant forever. The game changer.
The world looks at you now as a joke. A bunch of cry baby negroes suffering from an acute identity crisis, and shouting on street corners dressed in purple sheets from Bed&Bath, or dressed like Africa Bambaata and the Village People. And you are indeed a joke right now, and you will remain one for as long as you stay in the lands of your captivity. But when you obey the voice of YA’OH with your whole heart, rid yourself of all forms of idolatry, the most pervasive being Christian Greek New Testament idolatry, and He allows you to find His Holy Ark, the world wont be laughing anymore. The world will become afraid of you, as well it should.
His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.