
Times Up

“And it will be that the light of the moon is like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, like the light of seven days, in the day YA’OH is the one binding up the bruise of His nation, and He will heal the stroke of their beating.”

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So you went from being a black Christian to being a black “Hebrew” Israelite, but nothing has really changed in terms of the doctrine you subscribe to. You still believe in the pagan idol god-man of the satanic Greek New Testament. You never really left the church and its fake religion at all. Fake religion


Your Land

More proof the Thorah is no ordinary book. Leviticus 26:32-33 says YA’OH would bring our land into a state of horror and our enemies who moved in and who live there will live in a constant state of horror while the true owners are living scattered and oppressed in the lands of pyramids where YA’OH

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