Silent Lightning in the Night

“Again Ya’ohshai said to his disciples: As lightning comes from the east and is seen in the west, so will be the coming of the son of man. For wherever the body is, there will be gathered the eagles” (Mathath-Ya’oh 24:27-28).

Christianity teaches that their idol Christ god will return in a Second Coming in dramatic fashion like a lightning bolt, in an instant, in the blink of an eye, and that every eye on earth will see him coming in the clouds of heaven. This is a lie.

When our brother said his coming will be as lightning in the east that is seen in the west he meant his coming would be silent and inattentive, meaning it will not draw attention. There is a reason why he chose EAST as the place of the lightning and WEST as the location of the observer. An observer in the west is not seeing the actual lightning flash. Instead, what he is seeing on the eastern horizon at night is faint flashes of light being reflected off of higher-level clouds from distant thunderstorms that do not have accompanying sounds of thunder. The thunderstorm at one end of heaven in the east is too far away for people in the west to hear any noise. This is called silent lightning. Since it doesn’t make a sound and the electrical storm is too far off to be of any real concern people go about their business and pay it little to no attention. They ignore the sudden faint flash immediately after witnessing it, or they may even be too preoccupied to notice the flash of light in the east at all.

What our brother is saying in a masterful way is that he is coming silently to gather the remnant in the west and bring them to the place of the lightning in the east. The world at large will not know or care what is happening, even if anyone happens to look up and catch a glimpse of you making the trip to the east.

Our brother connected his statement about lightning in Mat 24:27 with his following statement in Mat 24:28 about eagles gathering to the place where the body is. He used the word nasharaym which means “eagles” and not vultures. Eagles do not feed on carrion so the feminine noun go’ay-H which means “body” in this verse cannot be an animal’s dead carcass. Normally, eagles do not congregate. They tend to be solitary creatures who dwell on their own.

However, eagles will break this pattern and congregate in order to secure themselves from predators such as humans. This is a common behavior in birds. Another reason is to hunt. Gathering together in a group helps eagles in finding food. Hunting in a group also allows eagles to take down very large animals like antelopes and deer.

What is the connection? Our brother is coming as we speak like silent flashes of lightning without making a sound and without making any headlines in the world’s news media. He comes like a thief in the night to gather the remnant out of the west and to bring them to the east. You are the eagles flying (literally flying) away from a human predator in the west and gathering in the east where you will hunt together as one flock of lethal apex predatory birds, as one people of YA’OH, the only savior there is. There is none other besides Him.

His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.



3 thoughts on “Silent Lightning in the Night”

  1. Thank you for this clarification – I have witnessed this Silent Lightening in the night sky many times before. I always anticipated a loud clap of thunder following but it never occurred. Now my understanding is opening even more so.
    Tsoray wa-ga’alay – Halalo ath YA’OH!

  2. SHALOM AKH RAVENOUS, as usual a very forfilling way of you pushing the issue of telling the MASHAPAKHA who are on the Righteous path to quickly get a move on to the Madbar. This movement will be smooth and very quietly happening,silently and Thunderbolt lethal. HALALO ATH YA’OH.

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