Scripture Tampering Exposed in the Greek NT

The above chart is showing evidence that the Greek translator who made the Greek version of the Book of Khazon (Revelation) in the late 90s CE altered verse 10 from the 49th chapter of the book of the prophet Yashai-Ya’oh (Isaiah). This alteration was made by the Greek translator in order to insert his idol Christ Lamb deity into the prophecies which never once mention any so-called “Lamb” as leading the redeemed unto fountains of living water.

The Greek translator also adapted Yashai-Ya’oh 25:8 and changed the wording so that the divine name of the Father is removed. The word “GOD” in all caps in the 1611 Queen James Virus (KJV) means that the divine name occurs at this point in the Hebrew text from which the misleading English translation was made. He also changed “faces” to “eyes”.

The corrected and restored text of Khazon 7:16-17 is shown in the far right column in the chart and below in the Ghabaray (Hebrew) script. The prophecies are faithfully represented, as indeed the author of the original text of Khazon (composed in 44 CE) quoted the two passages from Yashai-Ya’oh WITHOUT altering them one bit.

The later Greek translation of Khazon, which underlies the 1611 Queen James Virus, and every other English version ever published, is corrupted garbage. Throw it away.

It is true that the bible has been tampered with. But it is not true that the Supreme Being is incapable of preserving His word despite this, that is unless we are to believe that people are smarter and more powerful than the Supreme Being.

“The words of YA’OH, the words are pure. Silver tried in the furnace of the earth, purified seven times. You, YA’OH, you will keep them; you will preserve them from this generation to for ever” (Mazmor [Psalm] 12:6-7).

He has preserved His word by always sending a prophet to recover and restore His word for His people, and there is a prophet in Ya’oh-shar-al today who serves Him and upholds His Thorah. That prophet is the one proclaiming the one true name of the Creator from the far east where the sun blazes forth in fulfillment of prophecy.

His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.


1.15.7252 (April 5, 2023)

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