Fringes on the Four Wings

Thorah 4 (Numbers) 15:37-41

[37] And YA’OH spoke to Mashah saying:
[38] Speak to the children of Ya’oh-shar-al and say to them, make for yourselves fringes upon the wings of your garments, for your generations, and put upon the bottom edge of the fringe a lace of blue.
[39] And it will be for you for a fringe, and you will look at it, and you will recall all the commandments of YA’OH, and you will do them, and not will you seek after your own heart, and after your own eyes which you went whoring after them,
[40] so that you will remember and you will do all my commandments, and you will be set apart unto your Higher Power.
[41] I am YA’OH, your Higher Power, which I caused to bring you out from the land of Matsraym to be to you for a Higher Power. I am YA’OH, your Higher Power.

Thorah 5 (Deuteronomy) 22:12

[12] braided tassels will you make upon the four wings of your covering which you cover in it.

Authentic Fringed Garments made by Thasalakh-Ya’oh Bath Ashar

As commanded by YA’OH, Alah’ayno, for each man of Ya’oh-shar-al to wear his fringed garment (Thorah 5.22:12, Thorah 4.15:37-41). According to Thorah it is a LAW we must obey.

The Fringed Garment is a square garment made with 100% natural linen. Each wing/side consists of 470 tsaytsath (braided tassel/fringe) with a pathayl thachalath (lace of blue) at the bottom of each braided tassel/fringe for a total of 1880 to represent each law that YA’OH has commanded us in Thorah.

Halalo ath YA’OH for blessing me to be a blessing la’banay Ya’oh-shar-al.

Thasalakh-Ya’oh Bath Ashar
Contact email:
Contact phone: (318) 655-4335

2 thoughts on “Fringes on the Four Wings”

    1. The Fringes, the whole garment is incredible,awesome and done to the precise Laws commanded by YA’OH, I definitely will be giving you a call THASALAKH-YA’OH BATH ASHAR . Nice really nice.

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