The Mountain of the House of YA’OH

Har Bayth YA’OH
Yashai-Ya’oh 2:1-5

[1] ha-dabar ashar khazah Yashai-Ya’oh ban Amots ghal Ya’ohdah wa-Yaroshalam
The word which he saw, Yashai-Ya’oh son of Amots, about Ya’ohdah and Yaroshalam

[2] wA-hayh ba-akharayth ha-yamaym nachon yah’ayh har bayth YA’OH ba-ra’ash ha-haraym wA-nash’ ma-gabai’oth wA-nahro alay’o chal ha-go’aym
it will happen in the last days, established it will be the mountain of the House of YA’OH on the chief of the mountains; and it will be exalted more than the hills, and they will flow unto it all the peoples

[3] wA-halacho ghamaym rabaym wA-amaro lacho wA-nailah al har YA’OH al bayth alah’ay Ya’oh-ghakab wa-yarano ma-darachay’o wA-nalachah ba’arakhathay’o chay ma-Tsay’on thats’a thorah wa-dabar YA’OH ma-Yaroshalam
and they will go, nations many, and they will say: Come that we may go up to the mountain of YA’OH, to the house of the Higher Power of Ya’oh-ghakab, and He will teach us from His ways that we may walk in His paths; because from Tsay’on will it go forth the Thorah and the word of YA’OH from Yaroshalam

[4] wA-shapat bayn ha-go’aym wA-hochaykh la-ghamaym rabaym wA-chathatho kharaboth-am la-athaym wa-khanaythothay-ham la-mazmaroth la yash’a go’ay al go’ay kharab wa-la yalamado ghod malkhamah
and He will judge between the peoples, and He will punish nations many, and they will beat their swords for plowshares and their spears for pruninghooks; not will it lift up people to a people the sword, and not will they learn again war

[5] bayth Ya’oh-ghakab lacho wa-nalachah ba-or YA’OH
House of Ya’oh-ghakab, come and let us walk in the light of YA’OH


[Verse 1] The word which the prophet Yashai-Ya’oh (Isaiah) saw is a vision concerning the future of Ya’ohdah and Yaroshalam, meaning all twelve tribes of Ya’oh-shar-al plus Lo’ay (Levi). The prophet only mentions Ya’ohdah (Judah) and its city because all the peoples of Ya’oh-shar-al are represented by the nation’s chief tribe.

[Verse 2] The vision is about the akharayth ha-yamaym (the last days) and since the prophet is talking about the establishment of the har bayth YA’OH (mountain of the House of YA’OH) in the akharayth ha-yamaym the time reference is not so ambiguous as it may at first seem. These days have to follow the Exodus year which is called shanath ratson la-YA’OH (the year of the acceptance to YA’OH) by the same prophet (Yashai-Ya’oh 61:1-2). The bulk of the nation of Ya’oh-shar-al will be living in a northern country at the time and the departure of a remnant from this northern country will take them ghal (“going beyond” not “to”!) the land of their fathers:

ba-yamaym ha-hamah yalacho bayth Ya’ohdah ghal bayth Ya’oh-shar-al wa-yaba’o yakhado ma-arats tsapon ghal ha-arats ashar hankhalthay ath abothaycham
in those days they will walk, the house of Ya’ohdah with the house of Ya’oh-shar-al, and they will come together out from the land of the north going beyond the land which I have caused to be inherited by your fathers – Yaram-Ya’oh 3:18

They will go beyond the promised land to the land of the second wilderness in the islands of the sea in the east where they will renew their strength (Yashai-Ya’oh 24:15-16; 41:1).

It is in the second wilderness where the House of YA’OH will be rebuilt according to the detailed instructions and specifications laid out in Thorah 2 (Exodus) 26:1-36 and 36:8-38. Mashah (Moses) wrote all of those instructions down because he knew the people would be needing them again one day. Just as the throne of YA’OH was established in the wilderness after the first Exodus it will be re-established in a second wilderness after a second Exodus (Yaram-Ya’oh 3:17).

A new city called Tsay’on and Yaroshalam will be built in this second wilderness and all of the redeemed peoples of the House of Ya’oh-ghakab will flow unto it. The city will be built by the man appointed by YA’OH to lead His people during that time and his nickname is Chorash (Yashai-Ya’oh 45:1-4; 13). He is the man who was raised up by YA’OH to set the captives free, not for price nor reward. He set the captives free by telling them the truth: that it is time to leave the land of the north and that they should follow him to the place in the east where he went ahead of them (May’chah 2:13). Chorash is also the harbinger of doom, foretelling the time of Babylon’s fall and causing it to fall. The scriptures that speak on what I am saying are avoided like the plague by the church and by the black Hebrew Israelite camps. They want to do what is right in their own eyes, not what is right in the eyes of YA’OH, ghalay’on (the One Above All).

The tabernacle of YA’OH will be reared up upon a high mountain in the second wilderness, effectively making that mountain the most important mountain in the world, ra’ash ha-haraym (the chief of the mountains). It is the status and not the literal height of that mountain that will be exalted above every mountain and every hill on earth. This is because it will be the place of the throne of YA’OH for the duration of the time that the remnant is residing in the second wilderness, which is for a time, times, and a half. We are living in the akharayth ha-yamaym now and the period of a time, times, and a half will commence when this Exodus year is finished. The little horn which is the United States of America has had its time for afflicting us and the time, times, and half are what immediately follow the affliction from his hand (Danay’al 7:25).

[Verse 3] Once the tabernacle of YA’OH is built there will be ghamaym rabaym (many nations) coming to the city of Tsay’on/Yaroshalam in the second wilderness to learn the ways of YA’OH from us and to walk in them. These nations will be those who recognize who the true people of YA’OH are and that their Higher Power is the only true Higher Power. Notice this verse says ghamaym rabaym but not all nations. It is because there will be nations that remain enemies of YA’OH and antagonistic of His people. These enemy nations are alluded to in the following verse.

[Verse 4] When the Exodus year is over what will happen next is the yom nakam la-alah’ayno (the day of the vengeance of our Higher Power) according to Yashai-Ya’oh 61:2. The vengeance will last years and not just one day, but the primary enemy of Ya’oh-shar-al in the land of the north where the bulk of them fled in the Exodus will see it’s great capital city utterly destroyed in a single day (Yashai-Ya’oh 10:17; 47:9). YA’OH through His remnant in the second wilderness will judge between peoples and punish many nations during the day of vengeance which will last for a time, times, and a half. He will destroy the entire world and all of their armies (Yashai-Ya’oh 13:6; 34:2). The nations of the world will turn their weapons into farming tools and stop learning war.

This part about beating swords for plowshares and spears for pruninghooks will not happen by osmosis, good will, or UN intervention. Nations do not fight with swords and spears anymore. In order for them to collectively agree to put down their advanced weaponry and convert these into farming equipment they will have to be forced to do so by the fierce punishment of catastrophic natural disasters and cataclysmic weather phenomena. Their armies and their arsenal must be destroyed leaving them no choice but to come together and utilize their technologies in ways that will help them grow food so that they may feed and sustain themselves in a post-apocalyptic age. They will be so busy trying to keep from starving and trying to stay alive they will have no time for learning war anymore. The fighting will stop when the world is faced with major crisis that effect everyone the same way; everyone, that is, except for the remnant of Ya’oh-shar-al in the second wilderness.

the post-apocalypse

In other words, the world is about to be violently reset by YA’OH and this reset will allow the nation of Ya’oh-shar-al in the second wilderness to rise to the top as the head of all nations (Thorah 5.28:13). Their days of being the tail will be over. The reset will also pave the way for them to leave the second wilderness and reclaim the promised land by taking it back from its current occupiers when the period of a time, times, and a half has run its course.

[Verse 5] The bayth Ya’oh-ghakab (House of Ya’oh-ghakab) is the remnant of Ya’oh-shar-al that will walk in the light of YA’OH in the second wilderness. His light will shine when all of our enemies have been obliterated and all of the destructive armaments of our enemies have been rendered utterly useless for war purposes. Then the people of YA’OH will live in total shalom and security while the world outside of the second wilderness is sitting in darkness and trying to cope and recover from the worldwide catastrophes that pummeled them into the ground. The wealth of our defeated foes will flow into our pockets making us the richest and the most prosperous people on earth. We will spoil those who spoiled us for centuries and we will deal treacherously with those who dealt treacherously with us for centuries (Yashai-Ya’oh 33:1-24).

Yashai-Ya’oh 2:6-9

[6] chay natashtha gham-cha bayth Ya’oh-ghakab chay mala’o ma-kadam wa-ghananaym cha-Palashathaym wa-ba-yaladay nacharaym yashpayko
for you have sent away your nation the house of Ya’oh-ghakab, for they filled up from the east; and the ones who divine clouds, like the Palashathaym, and by the children of foreigners, they will cause clapping

[7] wA-thamal’ aratso chasap wa-zahb wa-ayn katsah la-‘otsarathay’o wA-thamal’ aratso sosaym wa-ayn katsah la-marchabathay’o
and it is filled his land silver and gold, and there is no end to his treasures; and it is filled his land horses, and there is no end of his chariots

[8] wA-thamal’ aratso alaylaym la-maishah yaday’o yashathakho’o la-ashar ghasho atsabaithay’o
and it is filled his land idols; to the work of his hands will he worship, to that which was made by his fingers

[9] wA-yashakh adam wA-yashapal aysh wa-al thash’a la-ham
and he bows down the average man, and he falls down the great man; but don’t you lift up to them


[Verse 6] This verse is the prophet speaking of a future exile of his nation into a distant foreign land as if it has already happened. The verb natash/נטש (send away, permit, forsake, spread) in this context means “to send away.” The reason the people are to be dismissed and sent away is because they mala’o ma-kadam (they filled up from the east). The verb is in the active voice, so “they be replenished” from the 1611 Queen James Virus, or “they were filled,” are impossible meanings. The direction in which their exile is to proceed is indirectly clarified here. The people will be sent away to the furthest extremes in the west because they have filled up their sin in the east where they come from. Thus the land of the north where the bulk of the nation of Ya’oh-shar-al ends up living in exile, and from where the second Exodus begins (Yaram-Ya’oh 3:18; 16:15; 23:8; 31:8) is also a land in the west. This is repeated by another prophet who says the Exodus is from the west (Hoshai 11:10-11).

the map of the earth showing the New World to be north and west of the promised land

When the sin of the Amorites was full it was time for their conquest and for their eviction from the promised land by the hand of the children of Ya’oh-shar-al (Thorah 1.15:16). That war commenced in the trans-jordan in the Year 3772 (1458 BCE). When the sin of the children of Ya’oh-shar-al was full it was also time for their conquest and for their final eviction from the promised land by the hand of the Romans. That war commenced in the Year 5295 (66 CE).

The Palashathaym (Philistines) were not the only people who practiced divination and sorcery (1 Shamo’al 6:2). They are mentioned here in verse 6 in connection with the previous statements because the Palashathaym were a seafaring nation and seamen thinking they could divine clouds (i.e. forecast the weather) was necessary in order to sail the very dangerous high seas successfully. What the verse is saying is that the exiles going to the land in the extreme west will get there by crossing the sea in ships. The ones clapping at the human cargo are the ship’s crew members among whom are diviners of clouds navigating the high seas, like the Palashathaym, and the children of foreigners. To be clapped at is to be mocked and derided (Ay’ob 27:23). Verse 6 is obviously alluding to the transatlantic slave trade and what our people experienced aboard those slave ships as the ships crossed the infamous Middle Passage of the Atlantic Ocean westward heading for the land of pyramids in the New World in the west to fulfill the prophecy in Thorah 5.28:68.

The Middle Passage

Read, re-read, and re-re-read Yashai-Ya’oh 2:6 because what I just told you it means, and what I told you is the truth, is not how this verse is translated and explained by the heathen bible scholars, and for good reason. The truth about who you really are, how your history is foretold by this book, is dangerous.

I will digress here for a minute to say that the theory of modern heathen scholarship which says the Palashathaym were originally “Sea Peoples” from the Aegean region who migrated to Canaan around the 12th century BCE is wrong. According to Thorah 1.10:13-14, the Palashathaym are a tribe of Matsraym. They migrated from the Nile Valley to northwest Arabia before the time of Abrahm in the 3rd millennium BCE. The Palashathaym city of Garar (Thorah 1.20:1) located between Kadash (the Ma’an Oasis in Jordan) and Shor (the Sinai desert) where Abrahm settled for a period of time is called Petra today in Jordan’s southwestern desert.

Tjeker (Palashathaym = Philistines) as depicted on a relief from the Medinet Habu temple in Matsraym

The Palashathaym moved on from northwest Arabia to establish themselves on the southern coast of the Levant prior to the Exodus in the 15th century BCE (Thorah 2.15:14). Pottery finds in the southern Levant made by modern heathen archaeologists may indicate that people from the Aegean settled among the Palashathaym, but that does not say anything about the origins of the Palashathaym. It certainly is not enough to justify a dismissal of the biblical data. In any case, the Palashathaym were skilled sailors and traders who expanded their influence throughout the Mediterranean. This verse is hinting that they even reached the New World long before Columbus reached the West Indies in 1492.

Palashathaym Seamen

[Verse 7] This verse is not talking about the promised land. There were treasures and horses there but never endless treasures and endless chariots. Verse 6 told us the nation would be going west into foreign exile by means of sea ships manned by disrespectful crew members. Thus the land that is being described in verse 7 has to be America. The New World is indeed filled with endless treasures, horses, and endless chariots (i.e. vehicles). It is aratso (his land) because it is our enemy’s land – both the indigenous natives and the European colonizers who took the land away from them owned us as slaves.

[Verse 8] The New World is also filled with idols made by the enemy named above.

[Verse 9] In the New World everyone from all walks of life, the average person and the great man, bows and falls down to worship an idol of some kind. However, “you,” meaning the people of Ya’oh-shar-al reading this verse who understand what is being stated by the prophet, are not to lift up to them. You are not to exalt these idol worshippers and think highly of them. This includes celebrities who idolize and worship wickedness and who are themselves idolized and worshiped by their fans among masses of the general population.

Yashai-Ya’oh 2:10-18

[10] bo’ ba-tsor wa-hataman ba-ghapar ma-panay pakhad YA’OH wa-ma-hadar ga’ono
Go to the rock and hide in the dirt from before the fear of YA’OH and from the glory of His majesty

[11] ghaynay gabah’oth adam shapal wa-shakh rom anashaym wA-nashagab YA’OH labado ba-yom ha-ho’
the looks of the haughtiness of man was brought down low, and it was bent down the loftiness of men; and He will be exalted, YA’OH, alone in that day

[12] chay yom la-YA’OH tsaba’oth ghal chal ga’ah wa-ram wa-ghal chal nash’ wA-shapal
for the day unto YA’OH of Hosts is upon everyone puffed up and exalted, and upon everyone lifted up; and he will be brought down low

[13] wa-ghal chal arazay ha-Labanon ha-ramaym wa-ha-nasha’aym wa-ghal chal alonay ha-Bashan
and upon all the cedars of the Labanon, the highest ones, and the masculine ones lifted up; and upon all the oaks of the Bashan

[14] wa-ghal chal ha-haraym ha-ramaym wa-ghal chal ha-gabai’oth ha-nasha’oth
and upon all the mountains, the highest ones, and upon all the high hills, the feminine ones lifted up

[15] wa-ghal chal magdal gabah wa-ghal chal khomah batsorah
and upon every tower high and upon every wall fortified

[16] wa-ghal chal anay’oth Tharshaysh wa-ghal chal shachay’oth ha-khamadah
and upon all the ships of Tharshaysh, and upon all the luxurious ships of the pleasure

[17] wA-shakh gabah’oth ha-adam wA-shapal rom anashaym wA-nashagab YA’OH labado ba-yom ha-ho’
and it will be bent down the haughtiness of the man, and it will be brought down low the loftiness of men, and He will be exalted, YA’OH, alone in that day

[18] wa-ha-alaylaym chalayl yakhalap
and the idols, completely will He change


[Verse 10] Verse 10 is both a threat and a little piece of advice for the whole world and for people of the United States of America in particular. Once the Exodus currently underway is finished the violent shaking of the heaven and of the earth will commence. When those fireworks begin all but the remnant in the wilderness and the wilderness hosting them will need to go find a rock to crawl under and hide themselves. This time will be scarier than anything you can possibly imagine.

[Verse 11] The haughtiness of man can be found everywhere, but the nation that showcases the most haughtiness in the history of nations is the United States of America. Make no mistake, this verse is a threat to the empire of the United States, the strongest and most powerful nation ever to exist on earth. It will be brought down violently by YA’OH.

[Verse 12] Again, puffed up people exist almost everywhere in the world, but the most puffed up people on earth are the people of the United States of America. This isn’t even up for debate. The pride and arrogance of the United States of America is epic and evident worldwide due to the cultural, economic, and military hegemony of the United States over all other countries.

[Verse 13] The cedars of Labanon and the oaks of Bashan are symbolic of the strong nations of the world, and the strongest of them all is the United States of America.

[Verse 14] The mountains and hills in this verse are also symbolic of the strong nations of the world, and the highest mountain and hill of them all is the United States of America.

[Verse 15] Every high tower and ever fortified wall are symbolic of standing armies defending their respective nations, and the nation with the most formidable military in world history is the United States of America.

[Verse 16] The anay’oth Tharshaysh stand for all of the massive ships used to transport huge cargo loads, and the shachay’oth are the ships used for leisure and cruise ships for the transportation of passengers. There were no luxury ocean liners in the prophet’s day but there are now, hundreds of them. When YA’OH stands up to violently shake the earth the last place you want to be is out upon the open sea aboard a ship. It wont matter how large that ship is. A bed will be made for you and that ship and everyone else on board at the bottom of the sea.

[Verse 17] This verse is almost identical word for word with verse 11. The redundancy is because the matter is absolutely certain (Thorah 1.41:32). There is nothing that can stop what is coming. YA’OH is going to destroy the entire world and He will be the only one exalted in the world when He does. Only His remnant gathered to the second wilderness and the wilderness hosting His remnant will be completely spared.

[Verse 18] All of those things that people look up to and revere now will be completely changed. It will be YA’OH alone who they fear from now on, and the people in the wilderness who are called by His name. The Ya’oh-shar-alay (Israelite) in the new Yaroshalam of the second wilderness will be the new Rock Star (Zachar-Ya’oh 8:23).

Yashai-Ya’oh 2:19-22

[19] wA-ba’o ba-mairoth tsaraym wa-ba-makhaloth ghapar ma-panay pakhad YA’OH wa-ma-hadar ga’ono ba-kom-o la-gharats ha-arats
and they will go into the holes of the rocks and into the caves of the dirt from before the fear of YA’OH and from the glory of His majesty when he rises up to violently shake the earth

[20] ba-yom ha-ho’ yashlaych ha-adam ath alaylay chasapo wa-ath alaylay zahbo ashar ghasho lo la-hashathakhoth la-khapar paroth wa-la-ghatlapaym
in that day he will cast away, the man, the idols of his silver and the idols of his gold, which they made for himself to worship, to the digging moles and to the bats

[21] la-bo’ ba-nakaroth ha-tsaraym wa-ba-saipay ha-salai’aym ma-panay pakhad YA’OH wa-ma-hadar ga’ono ba-kom-o la-gharats ha-arats
to go into the clefts of the rocks and into the branches of the jagged rocks from before the fear of YA’OH and from the glory of His majesty when He rises up to violently shake the earth

[22] khadalo la-cham man ha-adam ashar nashamah ba-apo chay ba-mah nakhashab ho’
stop to you all from the man whose breath is in the nostrils of him, for in what is one thought of is he?


[Verse 19] This is what will happen during the wonder years of a time, times, and a half once the Exodus year is finished. The earth is going to be violently shaken, so violently that mountains will literally collapse and islands will vanish into the sea. People will run to the hills and into holes and caves, thinking these are the only safe places where they can hide and survive.

mairoth tsaraym

[Verse 20] People will see that their idols are of no use to them and cannot save them, and they will cast them to the animals that live in the caves and live beneath the earth where they will be fleeing into. The days of questioning the existence of the Supreme Being will be over. Atheism will die a quick and extremely violent death.

[Verse 21] This verse rephrases the same information about where people will attempt to hide during the worldwide catastrophes of the wonder years. The clefts of the rocks, caves, and the branches of jagged rock outcroppings are the usual places of retreat in cases of extreme danger. Both artificial and natural subterranean cavities will be utilized. The bomb shelters of the “doomsday preppers” and the doomsday bunkers of the super rich immediately come to mind as well. Hence there will be survivors, but the loss of life around the world will be astronomical. The human race will need time to reproduce and repopulate the world in the aftermath of the apocalyptic disasters.

[Verse 22] The prophet’s vision ends with an imperative to his own people. They are ordered to stop from the man, and ha-adam (the man) here in the context of the vision must stand collectively for the man who has been afflicting them in exile in the west. The verse is hardly telling the people of Ya’oh-shar-al that there is no man that they can trust. It is instead telling them to depart and to separate from the man who owned them as slaves and who continues to persecute them in crafty ways till this day. He is frail, his time is up, and the time, times, and a half of the wonder years are set to begin.

The vision began with the prophet Yashai-Ya’oh talking about how the mountain of the house of YA’OH will become the most important mountain in the world. That is because all the nations of the world will be brought down during the time, times, and a half that the remnant of Ya’oh-shar-al is in the second wilderness. There will be no mountain, literal or figurative, that can compete with the mountain of YA’OH.

In the fictitious Matrix movie, Tsay’on (Zion) was built by black people below ground. The irony, and what is really going to happen, is that beneath the earth is where people outside of the second wilderness will flee to when YA’OH rises to violently shake the earth. The people of Tsay’on, the descendants of the children of the transatlantic slave trade, will be living and prospering above ground in the mountains of the second wilderness. They will be worshipping YA’OH their Higher Power in the tabernacle they build for Him. The survivors in the outside world will be forced to convert their weapons into farming tools and they will seek to learn about YA’OH by coming to us.

This is what the world is going to look like for a few generations. When the time, times, and a half are over and the people of Ya’oh-shar-al leave the second wilderness to go take back the promised land there will be a generation of heathens who will be misled into thinking they can conquer us within the promised land with primitive weapons and take from us our tremendous wealth (Ya’oh-khazak-al 38-39). The war will be brief, lasting 1,290 days (Danay’al 12:11), but it will be the greatest conflict in human history.

I am not telling you what I figured out on my own after many years of study and independent research. I am telling you what He has told me to say after He moved me from the north and told me His name in this place in the islands of the sea in the east in order to fulfill the prophecy of Yashai-Ya’oh 41:25. I have been proclaiming His name ever since.

His name is YA’OH
Always has been. Always will be.


1.15.7252 (April 5, 2023)

1 thought on “The Mountain of the House of YA’OH”

  1. Shamashon Ban Ya'ohsharal

    TOB MA`AD AKH`AY and MABAYN CHORASH GHAYT, I see you have been voraciously painstakingly kickin` us in the butt to get on board that ravenous bird flight to TSAY`ON. all I can say is thanks for the heads up AKH. SHALOM, YA`OH HA GHALAY`ON.

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