
What are Batholaym?

[13] chay yakakh aysh ashah wa-ba’ alay-ha wa-shan’a-haWhen a man takes a woman, and he comes to her, and he hates her [14] wa-sham la-ha ghalaylath dabaraym wa-hots’ ghalay-ha sham rai wa-amar ha-ashah ha-za’ath lakakhathay wA-akarab alay-ha wa-la’ mats’athay la-ha batholaymand he puts to her the actions of words, and he causes to go out […]

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Lokh ha-yamaym (Table of the Days, i.e. the Calendar)

[1] ba-ra’ashayth bar’ Alah’aym ath ha-shamaym wa-ath ha-aratsIn the beginning created Alah’aym the heaven and the earth. [2] wa-ha-arats haythah thah’o wa-bah’o wa-khashach ghal panay thah’om wa-rokh Alah’aym marakhapath ghal panay ha-maymand the earth was flat and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the abyss, and the wind of Alah’aym is hovering upon

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Prior to the coming of the messiah, 22 scrolls were recognized as authoritative scripture among our people. See Josephus, Against Apion, 1.1.8. The first five were composed by Mashah (Moses) and 13 by prophets who succeeded him. These are arranged as follows: Ya’ohshai (Joshua), Yashai-Ya’oh (Isaiah), Yaram-Ya’oh-Lamentations (Jeremiah-Lamentations), Danay’al (Daniel), and Ya’oh-khazak-al (Ezekiel) were grouped

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Sourdough Starter

“And he said to them another parable. The kingdom of heaven is like unto SOURDOUGH STARTER. A woman takes it into three sa’aym of flour and causes all of it it to be RISEN BREAD” (Mathath-Ya’oh 13:33). Paul’s claim that sourdough starter is symbolic of sin, in his satanic letter 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, is absurd

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Napathal + ay = “he/it was wrestled/twisted by me” (passive stem + objective 1st person pronominal suffix) “And for Napathalay he said: Napathalay, satiated of desire, and full of the blessing of YA’OH, west and south, take possession!” (Thorah 5.33:23). Oh yeah, that’s a perfect description of the indigenous Amerindians of Argentina and Chile who